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They know there are better drugs than vaccines for this virus, they don't care.

This video keeps getting removed from youtube. Synopsis of video (medicalkidnap.com)

Ivermectin dosing guide. (files.catbox.moe) I'm not a doctor people, do your own research.


They know there are better drugs than vaccines for this virus, they don't care. This video keeps getting removed from youtube. [ Synopsis of video](https://medicalkidnap.com/2020/12/09/i-cant-keep-watching-patients-die-needlessly-medical-professor-testifies-to-congress-that-covid-cure-already-exists-with-ivermectin/) [ Ivermectin dosing guide.](https://files.catbox.moe/ze7m3n.pdf) I'm not a doctor people, do your own research. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivermectin

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt (edited )

The CDC own web page claimed it is NOT isolated. You posted merely info that the whol virus can be moved from one culture of cells to another , along with lots of other microbes and microbe fragments.

SARS-2 the last time I checked in mid summer was mysteriously NOT available as a single virus culture for ANY researchers on earth from ANY lab.

photos of candidates of coronavirus sars-2 do match up with protein models, but unless taken from a proven sol-virus pure isolate with no extra genetic matter of any form , the photo cannot ever factualy be claimed as over 99.9% probable.

It is a FACT, a true FACT that the CDC mentioned this themselves and I read it with my own eyes.

I know more about this covid-19 coronavirus than anyone you will ever meet other than a virologist with a namne on a published sars-2 paper.

I announced HCQHydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin to internet mere days after the first discovery in france :


see!? The fbi gave that negative 88 votes instantly , the most suppressed post in history of VOAT!! An I did that all.

After I revealed HCQ on voat in that link ...

after I posted that https://searchvoat.co/v/science/3715659 on voat.co :

Styxhexenhammer666 mentioned it ! :



Stefan Molyneux mentioned it ! (in middle of this long video) :



Ann Coulter column mentioned it ! [website DDOSed instantly by feds] :


i did far more than that link.

I leaked non-yet-embargoed pre-pre release papers on Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin hours after they were fully ready to reveal

I revealed research into other safe zinc ionophores with the SAME EXACT EFFICACY as HCQ, complete with links, in case banned HCQ unavailable. I even posted predicting HCQ would get banned and seized by feds BEFORE IT WAS BANNED.

I did a lot more to save lives but I dont want to dox myself any more.

I predicted Hydroxychloroquine would get banned and I was right. 5 states banned it, then the feds.

I was also the first person on the internet to post a link to this 2005 CDC funded paper : DOI: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69 on HCQ and sars 90% efficacy as seen in that voat thread link from 11 months ago :


hah! That revelation to that paper spun into the millions of people memeing "Fauci lied, he knew in 2005 about HCQ"


But I will no longer participate on poal in a meaningful way. I just got banned here on paol today and lost 300 vote credits and admins tampered with votes to ban me. So fuck this censoring cesspool. I hate mod and admin censorship.

This site is now no different that twitter or facebook.

[–] 0 pt

That's a whole lot of stroking your ego. Might need a NSFW tag if you keep going like that.

A link to back up your claim that CDC said the virus has never been isolated would have been far more convincing and useful.

Fact is I provided a paper that shows, and provides evidence, that the virus has been isolated. They weren't the first or last to do it either.

If you wish to continue believing in your personal little cult religion about how amazing and flawless you are, that's your business.