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They know there are better drugs than vaccines for this virus, they don't care.

This video keeps getting removed from youtube. Synopsis of video (medicalkidnap.com)

Ivermectin dosing guide. (files.catbox.moe) I'm not a doctor people, do your own research.


They know there are better drugs than vaccines for this virus, they don't care. This video keeps getting removed from youtube. [ Synopsis of video](https://medicalkidnap.com/2020/12/09/i-cant-keep-watching-patients-die-needlessly-medical-professor-testifies-to-congress-that-covid-cure-already-exists-with-ivermectin/) [ Ivermectin dosing guide.](https://files.catbox.moe/ze7m3n.pdf) I'm not a doctor people, do your own research. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivermectin

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

Ivermectin is often used as heartworm medication for dogs, so there should be supply houses out there that sell animal products.

You can sometimes get medications rated for animals (it's usually the same thing as people medication, just packaged different) a lot cheaper than you can if it's dispensed for humans.

[–] [deleted] 12 pts

many pet meds have better quality control than the human versions.

world gets pissy if your drug is killing their pets. not so much when you're killing people. that's for the lawyers to sort out.

[–] 1 pt

Many drugs you need a script for in a human pharmacy, you can get OTC at a feed store. Antibiotics are one.

fishmox! wish i'd figured that out sooner. that's thousands over the years.

or wish i had figured out the sinus infection cycle sooner and how to get rid of it forever.

or heck, i wish doctors were useful... most are just guessing. and i can do that for free!

[–] 0 pt

If the lawyer is a Jew he needs to be disrobed and disbarred same goes for the Jewish judges in the Jewish district attorneys and Jewish prosecutors they are doing eating in abetting an accessory to murder by letting the Muslims and knickers get away with rape and murder

[–] 1 pt

I found them for dogs, but same problem with the horsepaste, its all "beef flavored, dog chew" that I'd rather die than eat.

[–] 3 pts


[–] 1 pt

There are things that separate us from barbarism, and what you eat is one of them. Take Asians, for instance. Now I like Asians, but they eat some of the nastiest shit I've ever seen (prize goes to the mosquito burger bantu, almost threw up watching that video).

[–] 2 pts

Well...if you're going to die or eat a beef flavor chew, which one would you take?

[–] 1 pt

Cohen19 is not deadly, unless you are over 80 and/or have a weak immune system

[–] 1 pt

Since the odds are like 99.97% for my age group, I think I'll pass.

[–] 1 pt

"Beef" flavor for dog? As in, eat medicated dog food or die? I'd have to flip a coin.

[–] 1 pt

I found them for dogs, but same problem with the horsepaste, its all "beef flavored, dog chew" that I'd rather die than eat.

Are you that old and unhealthy that you're so worried about a nursing home killer that you're willing to experiment on medications cause some Internet forum told you so? The average age of people dying from this disease is like 80.

[–] 0 pt

Im 25 so therefore everyone else on the internet is 25, I will be 25 forever. Yup.

[–] 0 pt

I'm not worried about dying from it, but I don't want to get the lung scarring. A friend of mine got it pretty early and it took him months to get back to normal. If I do get it, I want to kill it quickly to avoid that.

[–] 1 pt

Don't chew, slice into small pieces and swallow with water

[–] 1 pt

Mix it into your SOY milk!

Ask your wifes boyfriend to blend it up in a blender for you.

[–] 0 pt

God gave us disgust sensitivity to keep us safe.

[–] 0 pt

Just trick him into eating by wrapping it in a chunk of raw hamburger

[–] 0 pt

The dog pills only have 1/10 the correct dosage for covid per lb dosage. Do the horse. There are reasons the use super low doses for heartworm. Its not right dosage. You would have to take like 3 years worth of dog pills for covid.

[–] 0 pt

nope. i'll wait till I can find some pills. Not sick anyway.

[–] 0 pt

Stop listening to these fucking Jews and their lies the Jews in their lives by Martin Luther the Jews and their incessant lies and their whiny ass fucking constant victim hood used as a weapon to stab people in the back because every single solirary Jew is a Backstabber

[–] 0 pt

uhh.... I don't really understand what the jews have to do with ivermectin horse paste?

[–] 0 pt

The horse paste is a little bitter. Kinda chemically. Its not that bad. I thought it tasted more like bananas actually.

[–] 1 pt

This is how I have an end of the world antibiotic supply. I just have a lot of sick fish that happen to need human doses of antibiotics in capsule form. Totally legal.

[–] 1 pt

The dog med is a much lower dose for heartworm preventative and it needs a script. The horse paste is the right dose and easy to take.

[–] 0 pt

fuck off fuck off you’re not gonna take anything people are not lab rats no it’s going to take them at the vaccine that has even a half a brain because it’s not a vaccine it’s a experimental gene manipulation that will destroy your DNA by destroying itself through invade or proteins poison in fact antigen there is no fucking Covid everyone has basically been proven that it is a Jew fucking hoax in order to get people to vaccine as part of Jewish ritual murder everyone knows that Cove it is bullshit that the most Common fucking sense isVirus is meant to cleanse the body of toxins . All the cases and bullshit has been debunked nobody died from Covid but there are many many many people that are actually dying from this poison and even the swab test because the swab test has a nano chip on it to track people and two distribute his poison in your brain or mucus or blood

so is the jews need to fucking shut up The more you try to push this shit the more you expose yourself the more you try to censor people the more you expose yourself the more you were violent with people the more you expose yourself it doesn’t matter if you have a black mask on and you’re a police beating people up with a black mask the mask does not hide your fucking nose it doesn’t we can still see your big fucking nose

[–] 1 pt

Literally anything.......

Beep boop jewsdidit.exe

[–] 1 pt

Take your fucking Ritalin, dipshit.

[–] 0 pt

You are an embarrassment. It is clearly evident this version of sars is different because health personnel kacked from it at high rates. I saw this in my immediate circle. If you werent such a hysterical cooze you could use your brain instead blabbering with your butthole. DrKnow is spot-on. Furthermore are jews mostly peripheral scum. The main shitsacks are waspy decrepit nobility and aristocrats: your own people.

[–] 0 pt

X excuse me Europeans are the most beautiful and we made a European civilization what you fucking deformed ugly ass parasites want to leave half of proving that you were inferior and you don’t like Jews oh so you must be a Muslim or a Nager you’re a Muslim you the same shit as a Jew if you’re a Nager yeah good for you that you woke up to the Jewproblen but But you’re still and will always be the bitch to the Jew because you were the same you’re cursed you were all the same you are dark because you were cursed and you cursed yourselves oh yeah some of the Jews look white but you’re not white they’re Jewish and the blacks can’t tell the difference between although it’s very easy I mean the Jews are fucking ugly they look like goblins even with plastic surgery lol