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They know there are better drugs than vaccines for this virus, they don't care.

This video keeps getting removed from youtube. Synopsis of video (medicalkidnap.com)

Ivermectin dosing guide. (files.catbox.moe) I'm not a doctor people, do your own research.


They know there are better drugs than vaccines for this virus, they don't care. This video keeps getting removed from youtube. [ Synopsis of video](https://medicalkidnap.com/2020/12/09/i-cant-keep-watching-patients-die-needlessly-medical-professor-testifies-to-congress-that-covid-cure-already-exists-with-ivermectin/) [ Ivermectin dosing guide.](https://files.catbox.moe/ze7m3n.pdf) I'm not a doctor people, do your own research. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivermectin

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

This is the best comment on the subject. The mutation is real, but our response is manufactured. I personally know it's real because I experienced a sickness I've never experienced in almost four decades of life, then later learned it matched everyone else's c-19 experience, timeline and everything. Especially the extreme fatigue and complete loss of taste. Never in my life had I experienced either. I can admit that the testing my family did could have been false positives for c-19, but I can't accept that I would experience a new kind of sickness at the exact same time, and it be a magical coincidence.

Viruses constantly mutate, and might even be mutated in labs, so to just assume that there is no virus at all is kind of insane. It's like the opposite of retarded leftists who think that it's some end of the world sickness that requires the forfeiture of our basic human rights. We could have just locked downs travel and worked on effective treatments to cut down on the loss of life. Which, in reality was probably just 20-30,000 people, similar to a bad flu. But we could have saved thousands of those people if the gov didn't intentionally block effective treatments, just to get us to accept a bullshit vaccine.

[–] 1 pt

It's like the opposite of retarded leftists who think that it's some end of the world sickness that requires the forfeiture of our basic human rights.

Yes, it's exactly the same phenomenon:

They are incapable of separating their sense of self, of who they are, from the ideas they currently hold.

The result is that their entire identity is built around what they believe in. In fact, their identity is what they believe in. And vice versa. And so they cannot process or integrate new information which contradicts assumptions they previously made. Because any such information is a direct attack against their very selves. So it just makes them angry, sad, furious, depressed. They cannot bring themselves to consider it. No matter what you show them, or how much evidence piles up.

Consequently, they become people who know little, believe much, and have overly inflated and fragile egos. NPCs, in a nutshell.

The ones we encounter here are exactly the same as the ones on the Left.

They just happened to have started out with different assumptions.

The saddest part is that the longer I observe this, the more I think it's impossible to fix them. I don't think I've ever witnessed an NPC actually waking up and "becoming human". If you pile enough evidence on them and really rub their nose in it, eventually they may crack and give in. But they never learn the difference between "I am a ..." and "I believe in ...". They never acquire an independent sense of self. So you immediately run into the same problem with the next thing they believe in. Including the one you just forced them to acknowledge. Good luck getting them to reconsider that again, or keep them from turning it into their new religion.

It's like they're a different species.

[–] 0 pt

Incredibly well said. Strong agree.