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They know there are better drugs than vaccines for this virus, they don't care.

This video keeps getting removed from youtube. Synopsis of video (medicalkidnap.com)

Ivermectin dosing guide. (files.catbox.moe) I'm not a doctor people, do your own research.


They know there are better drugs than vaccines for this virus, they don't care. This video keeps getting removed from youtube. [ Synopsis of video](https://medicalkidnap.com/2020/12/09/i-cant-keep-watching-patients-die-needlessly-medical-professor-testifies-to-congress-that-covid-cure-already-exists-with-ivermectin/) [ Ivermectin dosing guide.](https://files.catbox.moe/ze7m3n.pdf) I'm not a doctor people, do your own research. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivermectin

(post is archived)

From the pharmacy? I got it a while back for treating covid. Didn't do anything as far as I can tell, but I lived. Maybe I should have got it before getting sick?

[–] 2 pts

(((you))) didn't get covid. covid isn't real. There is no virus. It's all jewish propaganda.

No isolate.

No virus.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

Well I was really sick, sicker than I've been in years.

I told them I was sick. So of course the test came back positive! It doesn't really matter to me one way or the other. If they want to say I had "it," then that's just one more who survived.

If somehow I didn't have it, then ...??? Still not getting a vaccine.

I am with you on their apparent inability to isolate the virus, reproduce it, etc. - what "it" is is very suspect. Since pretty much every respiratory symptom falls under the covid umbrella, it's only natural for them to just call it covid when some has any symptom.

[–] 0 pt

Don't you need a script?

My doctor mentioned it and prescribed it. I don't really know how to get around that sort of thing.

[–] 2 pts

Your doc perscribed it for covid in the US? Thats great. Progress.

[–] 0 pt


I havent used this site but someone around here said they did. So you can do spic ivermectin instead of horse ivermectin. I think they also have Hydroxychloroquine ( hidroxychloroquina or something like that) as well as doxycycline and azithromycin.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks, you sir, are a class A bro.