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[–] 10 pts

...and then Trump rolled over and did nothing.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

It's part of the plan though.

Don't you see?

The evil democrats are at their weakest now that they think they're in power!

Soon anon! Trump will save us!

e: laff

This was sarcastic post. I thought I was extremely obvious.

[–] 2 pts

You should take a look over at qstorm. @godsangell has always been a crank, but now he's posting about how there are "military gallows" at the White house, and that public executions are going to start with the military presiding. Fucking cray-cray.

[–] 1 pt

So serious question.

If the millitary in real time watched the election be stolen would that be treason?

If someone tries to destroy the country for another country is that person put to death?

Do you believe Joe biden got 81 million votes? If not the election was rigged and stolen and treason took place and the millitary should hang them?

So basically you think Joe biden is the most popular president in history and really got 81 million votes?

[–] 2 pts

... along with everyone who had "evidence".

[–] 4 pts

The evidence was presented in state hearings. The evidence was openly discussed across social media and everyone got banned for it.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

What can regular people do when all the judges are corrupted? I am sure trump might have been threaten to imprison or assassinate if he kept on fighting.

[–] -1 pt

almost as if there was no evidence at all

[+] [deleted] -2 pt
[–] 1 pt

The current administration and possibly all democrats that got elected in 2020 are illegitimate.

I am looking to leave the US, just not sure where to go yet. But this fucking country is lost and I'm done with it.

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 0 pt

Don't take action goy. Just keep saying it. If you keep calling a stolen election what it is then next time it won't be stolen.

It's so obvious how the news is so wildly over-correcting.

Every news article about the election "And the false claims of election fraud, which are false, were proved to be false..."

[–] 0 pt

The problem is this...

The jew will have to do a major false flag

  1. War with Iran
  2. War in Syria leading to war with Russia
  3. War with china
  4. War with north Korea and China
  5. Some War against some arrangement of the above
  6. American Civil War

They have to so something to distract from the 29 trillion ponazi scheme

[–] 0 pt

yes keep saying it since we don't have any evidence to support it

a lie repeated often enough become true

[–] 0 pt

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it

[–] 3 pts

You faggots bleated about Russia for 4 years and nobody believed it

[–] -1 pt

You assholes investigated Hillary how many times and she's still not in jail.

try reading this:


[–] 1 pt

The Democrats cheated, the whole world knows it. even you

Biden stole the election for sure, there are plenty of proofs for that.

Right but what do you expect when you ask ten Trump supporters what that “proof” is and you get 10 different answers?

Republicans are horrible at messaging. Awful. They took too many scatter shots instead of focusing on something that a narrative could be built from. There was plenty of evidence, plenty of it, but they should’ve picked the best stuff and focused on it.

[–] 0 pt

Republicucks are bad at messaging because they refuse to point out the hooked nose and kippah behind every problem. Its not a cohencidence that basically 100% of republican leadership observes hunnahka or is a shabbos.

You cant fix a problem when you refuse to acknowledge its source. They are purposefully against any solutions because this time the solution will be final.

[–] -1 pt

sure there is. there's plenty of proof the loch ness monster exists too if you read garbage.

no wonder why it says suspicious behaviour next to your username.

[–] 0 pt

You kikes are adorable with your cute lil pilpul and general scumbaggery; I'd be absolutely miserable if I looked like a kike goblin, as well. I get it lil bro, you can't help it. Wish you the best lil buddy!