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[–] 10 pts

The judge: Boasberg


[–] 8 pts

There's not two justice systems, there's zero justice systems.

[–] 4 pts

Rules are only for the goy.

[–] 3 pts

This week I have witnessed the power of the internet destroy pompous fucks who manipulate the public and get their way; they were beaten, if just a little bit. This gives me hope that if our government continues to fuck us over as they have been, these people will wittiness the power of the internet and the hive.

I am now sure of it.

[–] 2 pts

there is no fucking hive

why do you people feel the need to delude yourselves with these fictions?

It's just another form of rejecting reality

[–] 0 pt

Whatever kook. Did you just sign up on the interwebs yesterday? You be a retard. I know better. I've seen it and proved the point above. Go be a nigger elsewhere.

[–] 2 pts

When the rule of law fails - the rule of man steps in

[–] 2 pts

Get it through your thick boomer/civnat skulls, there is one justice system that treats jews one way, good goys (aka butt goys) another, conservatives another, and Whites that won't cuck with a disdain only seen in the scriptures of the talmud.

The solution is before you. Civil disobedience

[–] 0 pt

No shit. We’re in a fucking war.

[–] 0 pt

I don't advocate violence of any sort, But sometimes violence is all they respond to. I would hope that level heads prevail. But I'm not observing level heads. I'm observing tyranny and it never fulfills the promise we all agreed to. break the promise first, don't expect us to honor the promise. You have been guilty of treason. The constitution is merely an agreement. we do this, you will do this. when you have corralled the power, you seek to change the rules. the agreement. Your position in congress has been desolved. you no longer get to tell us what to do. you are corrupt and we don't abide by corruption.

[–] 0 pt

I’m sorry how on earth can you be put in jail for a meme. How does that even work?

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

TruST tEh pLAn!!!!

No, seriously. They are insisting this is part of the plan. It’s shocking. Isn’t it? It shouldn’t be. It shouldn’t be shocking that the people who think they are getting secret messages from super spy super Internet fairy faggots can actually find a way to spend this as “part of the plan.” They aren’t delusional anymore, they’re actually just lying now. Most of them are now fake. They don’t believe it either. It’s impossible, I don’t believe them. There’s no way people who can spell and tie their shoes are that stupid. It’s fake.

I don’t know what they are getting out of it, at least the people who make videos and podcasts and channels have their begging hand out and make money through donations and shitty supplements. At least I can understand that. But the guys doing this just for fun at this point? I don’t know, maybe they’re just hilarious.

Exactly who is insisting that some guy getting arrested for memes is part of any plan?

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