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Not about the buying itself. That's all well and good. What I'm worried about is the hedge fund managers themselves. They're cornered rats right now and their clients aren't just other financiers, but politicians too. They're angry and they're desperate. In situations such as this, their number one tool is to change the subject. When Occupy Wall Street happened, the establishment changed the subject to racism and other such retardation. However, since everyone is so numb to that now, it's not going to work. That's the part that I'm worried about. Without the ability to divide the populous, the only other tool they have is violence and terror. Don't be surprised if a mass shooting or some kind of terrorist attack happens in the next few days to draw everyone's attention onto something else. These psychopaths will do anything to maintain their power. Nothing is off limits. Stay focused and stay vigilant my dudes.

Not about the buying itself. That's all well and good. What I'm worried about is the hedge fund managers themselves. They're cornered rats right now and their clients aren't just other financiers, but politicians too. They're angry and they're desperate. In situations such as this, their number one tool is to change the subject. When Occupy Wall Street happened, the establishment changed the subject to racism and other such retardation. However, since everyone is so numb to that now, it's not going to work. That's the part that I'm worried about. Without the ability to divide the populous, the only other tool they have is violence and terror. Don't be surprised if a mass shooting or some kind of terrorist attack happens in the next few days to draw everyone's attention onto something else. These psychopaths will do anything to maintain their power. Nothing is off limits. Stay focused and stay vigilant my dudes.

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts (edited )

^ he gets it.

I'm not sure GME was planned, but they will make damn sure us deplorables don't fuck up the looting going on. Relax and enjoy the implosion. I hope this emboldens other people to fuck with (((hedge funds))). Glorious. I may buy a few shares of GME as a symbolic fuck you to all the hedge funds.

(Ps) as usual, us taxpayers will bailout the (((hedge funds))) again. Watch Dances With Lies as she will undoubtedly help her masters and leave us poorer.

[–] [deleted] 10 pts

I'm almost certain reddit alone doesn't have the volume to sustain what's going on even in the beginning. Theres some whales lurking under the thin veneer of a grass roots social media campaign that used their mass to get the ball rolling and give it momentum. I think these extreme naked short positions were bombs that were planted that were meant to be found.

[–] 4 pts


This is why I really like Poal.

[–] 4 pts

These guys didn't get to the top being stupid. Maybe they got fat and lazy. But I don't it, they found plenty of hungry people to be busy for them.

(((They))) always have a plan a and a plan b to fuck us.

They should know better, feels like a trap of some kind.

[–] 0 pt

feels like a trap of some kind.

Yup, it's almost certainly a trap.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Elon Musk and Dave Portnoy invested & have been pretty vocal.