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[–] [deleted] 8 pts

The Chinese get uglier by the day

[–] 5 pts

Send me a picture of your dick for some eye bleach

[–] 1 pt

Pixels only get so small. Stop asking science for the impossible.

[–] 3 pts

Well Biden IS controlled by China.

China is being manipulated and controlled by Jews. Chinks LOVE western Jews because they only care about money

[–] 1 pt

People need to get it into their head that reddit represents a microcosm of how things work. Owned by china and administered by mossad.

Israel is banking on total destruction of the US, so they jumped hosts.

[–] 0 pt

Open your eyes, China created Poal to push propaganda blaming Jews for everything that they’re doing!

[–] 2 pts

We must be a fucking joke to real nations. Prime for the picking I suppose.

[–] 3 pts

What real nations? The jews are the only ones left to speak of. And they're riddled with faggotry, inbreeding and outbreeding.

[–] 2 pts

nuclear nations that have their women and faggots in check. china, russia, saudi arabia. they are laughing at how weak the once-mighty usa has been reduced to. biden is sending a literal pole smoking cocksucker as ambassador to china.

[–] 1 pt

China, partially. The ruling communist society could be considered a civic nation with the regular people as their non-citizen serfs.

Russia? Maybe. It's too ethnically diverse to be a true federation in my eyes. Maybe the ethnic Russian core are. Not sure.

Saudi Arabia... ok, good point I think they count.

kinda very twisted funny...the gooks will be so offended and confused, near hysterics they won't be able to create a coherent thought...

[–] 0 pt

I didn't mean real as in superpower. Just as in nations. There are still a few left who, to my knowledge, haven't given in the goblins.

[–] 0 pt

Neither did I. I meant a nation, as in a group of ethnically (or even ideologically) aligned men who act and think as a corporate body. Some of the commies might count as civ-nats, but the only ethno-nation left are the jews.

There are still nationalists, as in individuals who would like to live in a nation, but they're not organised as one currently.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

China does have some modicum of control over Biden, insofar as China is one of israel's puppet states.

98% of the foreigners living in China during the Maoist takeover were jews. Mao's rise to power was financed by USSR jews (who learned from their mistakes). The modern day CCP would not exist were it not for the groundwork laid by international jewry.

The China of today is not the same China Hitler once wrote of in glowing terms. By and large they were hunted and massacred (at the behest of the juden) to prevent them from ever questioning the (((system))). Since then, only the dumbest and most obedient chinkoids have gone on to reproduce in mass numbers, leading to the trends and behaviors we see today.

Reminder that the only reason China poses any kind of military threat is because israel, who receives American military tech for free (because muh greatest ally), turns around and sells it to China, who then pretends to independently "invent" their own version of it, since embargoes prevent them from actually having our tech, or rather prevents America from taking another potential source of income away from israel.

NO! You gotta sell it! With a pile of shoes.

[–] 1 pt

I mean, China DOES control Biden. But the Jews control China.

[–] 0 pt

Yrs, the Chinese star.

[–] 0 pt

We can have more than one enemy. Globalists like Rockefellers (I know heavy jew ties) wanted to bring china into the fold for new world order, of course jews involved too, like kissinger etc. Seems like it's the final phase of what netanyahu said, milk the golden calf and sell it off to highest bidder - China.

Because if the CCP wanted to take over america 10 asians would be far more suspicious then 10 jews.

Remember when the soviet government ended up having all jews in power positions?

Yeah, nothing can go wrong here. Just don't get in any busses or trains to go to camp.

[–] 0 pt

And it wasn't under China then either. This site is full of cia nsa sellout cucks trying to push the China narrative.

[–] 0 pt

who do you think brought Communism to China. Watch "China: Roots of Madness." its an old documentary about Mao's take over. Lots of Chinese history I didn't know. You will see the little hats in the middle of all of it.

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