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It reads:

                                                                 A NATION

                                                                 OF SHEEP

                                                                  LED BY


I have 3 more ready to go tomorrow

It reads: A NATION OF SHEEP LED BY CRIMINALS I have 3 more ready to go tomorrow

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

found the satanic jew globalist

[–] 2 pts

I was gonna comment how classy I thought the message was, brief, reasoned, challenging.

Kla****'s joke may have been too subtle & your response too defensive. But he lets on that he views every facet of the establishment as boldly lying to us; arrogantly betraying the Constitution. I have come to view things as much more complicated. Maybe he'll reconsider as things play out.

To my thinking, past leaders like Jefferson, Hamilton (the White one) and even modern politicians like Ron Paul were men of their word and very upright. People may view past patriots differently than President Trump or JFK for various reasons. But I think modern figures suffer inferior mental anatomy and intellect, a consequence of a modernizing culture over time. But Trump doesn't need to read 400 books or survive a duel to be forthright about his intentions. Narcissism and entitlement aside.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Kla****'s? What is my name a dirty word to you? lol.

@PeterKleinPresents (You should do the @ symbol in front of names so someone is notified they are in a response that is not directly under theirs.), I don't know that you see things as much more complicated and I don't know what you mean by thing's playing out. What will play out is the same that always has until AI/Robots, well change things in many ways as time goes on. I'm assuming you mean the Q think that some plan is being trusted regarding? The international bankers/jews are families that literally have trillions in net worth. At this point Israel is the real super power, it has tentacles around nearly every country and it's agents in place. We are debt slaves, even if you owe no direct debt, you are still one. If you don't pay, they will come for you and take everything. The IRS doesn't have to consider you innocent until proven guilty. If you resist further, they will even take your life.

If a very large mass of people in the USA stood up to it and were willing to pay with blood, something could be done. But the TV's, the internet, the brainwashing, the pitting peasant vs peasant and who knows what else being done to us without us knowing stops the true resistance.

@con77 called @voa011 a satanic jew globalist, but I think voa011 was referring to Lincoln stepping and smearing the constitution (like a tyrant) into the ground in several ways (he removed freedom of the press for instance). In his mind the ends justified the means, even if the southern states did have the right to separate.

Here's the point to all this shit, con77's sign that he supposedly put up is right on the money. People are sheep and many of the said sheep are taught and tricked into chosing wolves over sheepdogs. I see the future persisting like this. I will love my family and spend time with them, creating strong bonds and I will raise my children in a way that I think is right to make them good people who do stand up. Educating and talking to people is the only thing that can really be done right now, this is a game of Hearts and Minds.

The AI and Robots in the future will shift the power balance into the elite's hands and they will have absolutely nothing to fear, there will be robots policing us and invading our privacy in crazy ways. I see the future turning dystopian/feudal for some time. But over time the AI and Robots will far surpass humans and hopefully they will look at us as we look upon lions and will let us live with our freedom, after all we were the creators. That's the positive outlook of things and I think it's pretty realistic. So, no I don't think I'm thinking of things as simplistic, I am explaining things on a very macro level.

Btw, I started /s/RonPaul a few days ago. He is one of my favorite Americans, he was probably the only federal politician that I'll ever see who was so truthful and who stuck by his morals. Jefferson was an amazing man as well. I think JFK was killed because he was taking the power of printing bills away from the FED (international bankers) so that massive positive overrides other negatives he had in my book.

Wow, this went on WAY longer than I intended, but I enjoyed writting it up. Happiness and health to the three of you. Four actually, I'll include @Professor_de_la_Paz in this as well because he started it lol. Oh, @ItsOkToBeTsilent was there too so 5.

[–] 0 pt

You downvote everything you don't like huh?

[–] 0 pt

as in the north betrayed some element of it