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There are Jews on both sides of the aisle. Jews with the Democrats, Jews with the Republicans, Jews with Trump, Jews with China, Jews in other countries, etc. Some people say, look, if Jews supported Trump, why is he losing? Jews have infiltrated all sides and control all sides. You have patsies like Pelosi or Clinton or Obama who lead the charge for Democrats, then Jews like Schumer or Feinstein just sit back and laugh. They don't want the Democrats to win. They are just playing a role, pulling the strings so we can escalate to WW3. We got Kushner on Trump's side too. Democrats think they're winning, we think we're winning, but the truth is the Jews are winning. This kind of escalation and war is exactly what they have planned.

There are Jews on both sides of the aisle. Jews with the Democrats, Jews with the Republicans, Jews with Trump, Jews with China, Jews in other countries, etc. Some people say, look, if Jews supported Trump, why is he losing? Jews have infiltrated all sides and control all sides. You have patsies like Pelosi or Clinton or Obama who lead the charge for Democrats, then Jews like Schumer or Feinstein just sit back and laugh. They don't want the Democrats to win. They are just playing a role, pulling the strings so we can escalate to WW3. We got Kushner on Trump's side too. Democrats think they're winning, we think we're winning, but the truth is the Jews are winning. This kind of escalation and war is exactly what they have planned.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

Jews do what is good for Jews. Not what is good for you. That's all you really need to know about Jews. Or any other group.

Anything beyond this is falling into a tunnel vision rabbit hole that does you more harm than good.

You want what's good for you? Then you have to roll up your sleeves, and start getting it done. Stop waiting for someone else to do it for you. You want a government that serves your interests? Then you have to roll up your sleeves, and make sure it's full of people like you, and keep people who aren't like you out. Stop expecting outgroups to serve the interests of your ingroup.

Stop obsessing about others doing what's good for them, or whining about them not doing of what's good for you. Of course they do what's good for them. Why wouldn't they? Of course they don't do what's good for you. Why would they?

Set your goals, figure out the steps to get there, and get cracking. Find allies to help you. Find ways to destroy enemies who get in your way.

That's what they do. And so should you.

If all you do is sit around, watching, waiting, hoping... that is not being awake. That will get you nowhere. And it will be your fault. Not theirs.

i always do what is good for me. no more no less

[–] 0 pt

Babies can’t help being raped by these disgusting kikes - Sanhedrin 54b and 55b, and Mishna Niddah 5:4

Stop being a black pilled bitch and realize that people must fight these predators - even if they are attacking a group that isn’t part of your in group.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

If they are not the babies of your people, then protecting them is someone else's duty... and none of your business.

At best, it is condescending and presumptuous to intervene on others' behalf without being asked. They are their own people, responsible for their own fate. Their babies are theirs to protect. They are not sheep, and you are not their shepherd. Get over yourself.

But this is even worse. You're not even helping anyone. All you're doing is ineffectually virtue signalling about your concern for some negro or mudslime runts. While your own people's nations are overrun and facing complete social and demographic collapse. You can't even keep your own children safe. Who will worry about them, while you're busy worrying about all the others? Who will worry about any of it, when our entire civilization burns to the ground, because you were too busy staring off into the distance, dreaming of fixing problems on distant shores, instead of dealing with those at home?

Your house is burning down. Deal with it. Repair the damage. Make it stronger, so it doesn't happen again.

Stop worrying about the weeds in someone else's backyard.

[–] 0 pt

if you don’t stand for anything (which must be adhered to and applied to all) then you will fall for nothing - but I see your point. but typing anything online arguably isn’t helping your own, as you must physically apply yourself and be within proximity of your loved ones; long distance relationships aren’t good for anyone. I can’t imagine the pathetic logic of a man going off to offer his life for pedophilic faggots that want him and his family dead.