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[–] 15 pts

It took Congress 4 fucking years to literally do nothing but attack the right, and America. They have done nothing else in those 4 years and if they had their way, we would have never seen a dime. Their biggest accomplishment has been to piss of over half of the nation and to burn our cities. They need to be hanged for treason, and their acolytes in the media shot for their crimes against America.

[–] 3 pts

Unfortunately they have proved they don't care what you think. They actually hate you and want you dead. They will convince their NPCs to come after you and if you think differently or resist "sedition".

[–] 3 pts

Congress is a festering wound in Americas body politic. The supreme court is a septic poultice, and the executive branch has been stolen by communists..

[–] -1 pt

by communists you mean republicans, right?

There is no Right or Left in Congress. There are only Neoliberals who use their office for personal gains. This is why both parties hate Trump.

[–] 0 pt

Also a good reason why most of the nation is behind Trump.

[–] 11 pts (edited )

That title implies we're all just a bunch of dumb cattle that want free money.

People are upset because Nancy Pilosi called for riots in the streets that lead to people's business's being burned down, but she can't handle her place of work having a little trash thrown everywhere in it.

The capital building is not more sacred than someone's private business. Especially when congress is tasked with the protection of those businesses and instead calls for their destruction. At that point, any value their buildings and jobs could have is bankrupt. If that building has any value it is derived from the protection of private businesses, and thus some of their value might rub off onto the capital building maybe. That's the most value it could ever have.

The American people are not upset because of Trump. He's not the problem. Kicking us out of our own businesses because they've given their ear to big tech instead is the problem. And this problem isn't just going to go away by getting rid of Trump. They are the ones who fomented anger. Trump just tried to capitalize on it, but he didn't cause it.

To blame Trump for the anger is to completely disregard our capacity to get angry on our own. And that's just insulting.

Yeah, Trump made us angry. Not the kicking us out of our own businesses. That had nothing to do with it. /s

[–] 10 pts

To impeach Trump for literally nothing

[–] 6 pts

He did do something: threatened corporate power. Now that Bang Bang Biden has been appointed, corporations believe they have total control and want to send a message to anyone else who threatens their power.

[–] 2 pts

Why should I take a.. you know the thing. I got hairy legs. You know what I mean? C'mon man.

[–] 3 pts

That's not how it works now. Intent isn't an element of a "crime" anymore. The way Trump is "guilty" of inciting a riot would be like arresting someone for taking their kids to Disneyland because they were hit by a drunk driver on the way.

[–] 0 pt

Except the rioting started before Trump finished his speech and was pretty much done by the time the crowd who attended his speech could walk to the capitol. So it would be like arresting someone for taking their kids to Disneyland, because someone else was hit by a drunk driver before the family left the house to even start driving over.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

And Still no election investigation...

[–] 2 pts

They are not our government. They are jew puppets.... queers... nigger women... scumbags and other assorted minions of evil. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY.

[–] 1 pt

6 hours the day of impeachment

[–] 1 pt

I dont think people can even articulate their anger. All our problems boil down to the government response to covid. Your point is icing on the cake.

You cant use an overloaded hospital as an excuse to shut healthy people out of basic economic freedom. The second issue is COVID gave the ZOG an excuse to expand the least secure form of voting and relegate poll watchers to powerless distant spectators.

In a sane world, unfolded ballots, and bad signatures would have been caught by poll watchers and isolated for further audit before being counted if needed. Its impossible to do that when youre 50 feet away, and when you complain a cop tells you, you are unruly and throws you out. The elimination of poll watchers, and intentional breaking of chain of custody is why there was no widespread evidence of voter fraud, other than obvious statistical and logistical problems, that are apparently easily ignored. I wouldnt be surprised if by next cycle CNN starts going on about how poll watching is a bad idea for whatever stupid reasons they can articulate and parrot to one another.

[–] 1 pt

You're a nazi!!!!!!

[–] 1 pt

When Trump tweeted out in May that “when the looting starts the shooting starts,” this was a direct call for violence.

Sorry FTP, y'all need to learn the law. In most (if not all) states, rioting is a felony that law enforcement is authorized to suppress with deadly force. It typically inherited its verbiage from Blackstone's Commentaries to include mutiny and insurrection and stipulates two things:

1) Law enforcement has to inform the mob that they're engaged in an unlawful assembly and must disperse.

2) Law enforcement can then shoot anyone who fails to disperse. Not arrest, prosecute, try, convict, and jail. Shoot. On. The. Spot.

Trump's tweet is no more a call to violence than "When an axe murderer hacks down your bedroom door, the shooting starts." Yeah, it does, and you dont need a trial. The law provides an affirmative defense for summary use of deadly force.

[–] 1 pt

I understand and agree with the sentiment - they move fast only when their interests are at stake. However, they shouldn't be handing out "free" money. It isn't free. It's either borrowed from the future (our children), or it's printed, thus taking value from anyone holding or earning dollars. Worse yet, the feds are already $27 TRILLION in debt (at last check). That will be paid back through more tax and/or devaluation.

[–] 2 pts

Implying boomers give a fuck about anyone but themselves

[–] 0 pt

Eh, many boomers are opposed to this. It's not even a matter of principle. While those without savings are as grabby as their younger "gimmie" brethren, those with retirement savings feel the effects of inflation perhaps more than those still earning.

[–] 1 pt

It always goes back to "there's no such thing as a free lunch."

[–] 0 pt

The problem is we have state and local governments literally telling people they can't work. The "free money" is a round about way of trying to solve that problem. The real issue is that state and local governments don't have the authority to tell healthy people they can't work.

[–] 0 pt

Regarding the draconian actions of state and local governments, I agree completely. Regardless, the massive federal handout will still have the aforementioned deleterious effect. The real solution in this case is to end local government overreach. But given how many I see agreeing with the lockdown, I'm pessimistic anything will happen there.

[–] 1 pt

If Florida can say open, we might have a hope. FL has lower fatality rates than CA despite having a substantially higher (percentage wise) amount of elderly people. I know a lot of people vacation there. I just heard about some distant family vacationing there from IL and they were shocked when they got off the plane and everything was normal. It's pretty hard to go back and justify the B.S. after seeing proof like that.

[–] 0 pt

I disagree. To politicians, money is free. 1. Banks do QE to pour money in causing inflation on taxpayers. 2. Taxing citizens is done by force.

So, yea, to them, it is free... for them.

[–] 1 pt

That's like saying: "to robbers, money is free."

Nevertheless, either through taxation or through devaluation, that debt will be covered. It's not so much an edict but more a law of nature.

[–] 1 pt

There is no debt in the classic sense. Since currency has no value, there is no actual debt. When currency is tied directly to gold, then there is debt.

Having just pointed that out, us deplorables do incur debt because we are the slave class. I freed myself from debt at the last possible moment. I believe corporations are going to absolve people's old debt by UBI. Then, after they've done that, start taking away benefits. The population will be trapped.

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