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[–] 12 pts

You think the Ministry of Disinformation is going to focus the cameras on the standing army during the ceremony?

[–] [deleted] 7 pts

20,000 armed soldiers

Possible setup to have Sniffs taken out by a crazed soldier and install Camel Hairs immediately?

[–] 8 pts

After what has gone on the past year anything is possible

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Trump won 84% of America and Biden won 16%.

20,000 armed soldiers is not enough protection against the 84% of America.

[–] 1 pt

Your math might be a little bit off there...

[–] -1 pt (edited )


  • Biden claimed millions more votes than was possible if only some 140 million people voted in the 2020 presidential election, though they did not refute Trump’s widely published total of 74 million votes from the same sources as Biden’s 81 million tally.

In sum, basic arithmetic to calculate voter turnout would not show “extra” ballots for Biden or millions more votes than eligible voters if the posts would have correctly framed the number of “registered voters” as the percentage of people who voted within the sum of eligible voters. Below you can see the differences between calculations by Binney, as well as the viral meme (first image in this report), and the correct formula for determining voter turnout:

Binney’s allegation: 212 million divided by 66.2% to supposedly determine 140 million people submitted ballots. Of that total, 74 million people voted for Trump, leaving only about 66 million votes possible for Biden. But elections officials and the news media reported Biden received more than 81 million votes. The viral meme’s allegation: 133 million people were eligible to vote and an unknown fraction within that total submitted ballots. Of that proportion less than 133 million, 74 million people voted for Trump, leaving up to 59 million votes possible for Biden. That was 22 million less than Biden’s actual tally. The actual numbers: 239 million people were eligible to vote in the 2020 election and roughly 66.1% of them submitted ballots for Biden or Trump, totaling about 158 million votes. Of that sum, Trump received roughly 74 million votes and third-party candidates (including Jo Jorgensen and Howie Hawkins) garnered almost 3 million votes. Meanwhile, the remaining votes in the presidential election — totaling about 81 million — were for Biden.

The Popular Vote https://www.cfr.org/blog/2020-election-numbers

Biden won 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3 percent of the votes cast. He is the first U.S. presidential candidate to have won more than 80 million votes. Trump won 74,222,958 votes, or 46.8 percent of the votes cast. That’s more votes than any other presidential candidate has ever won, with the exception of Biden. (Third-party candidates picked up 1.8 percent of the votes cast.) *

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

It'd be too on the nose. They need to wait months before euthanizing Biden.

[–] 8 pts

they dont care anymore. they own everything and can feed the people disinformation however they want and they will eat it up. I'm betting Pelosi will be president in 30 days

[–] 2 pts

Oh please no...just no that dried up and withered old harridan needs to be in a retirement home. How is it that the best people we can find to do the job are all 80 years old and in decline? The current crop of elected officials are like the poster children for the most unlikeable kids in school.

If Kamala somehow dies, I can see that happening. shudders

I see they put in a new understudy recently to play the role of Pelosi in this comedy.

[–] 0 pt

I'll bet $5 double homicide by rebel soldier she's in on the 3rd day

[–] 0 pt

Not Pelosi. Hillary. If the POTUS steps down, dies, or is incapacitated, Harris becomes President and a VP would be appointed.

[–] 5 pts (edited )

I disagree . They do not care about anything but outcome.

Biden getting killed by a "Trump" supporter at the inaguraration would be the perfect Harris excuse to eliminate the 2nd.

[–] 1 pt

What do you want the second for?

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

or they do it soon as a fuck you to the masses

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

Either way, expect an authoritarian society by year's end.

[–] 2 pts

I'm thinking camel hairs will be put down too. they really want Pelosi in charge

[–] 1 pt

"Sniffs", that's great! I wonder what his Secret Service code really is?

[–] 1 pt

Camel hairs. Perfect. That is her name now and I will not have anyone tell me otherwise.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )
[–] 1 pt

camel toes will be hit too, i bet. i'm thinking they want the old hag Pelosi as president. Manchurian candidate on the 20th

[–] 6 pts

looks like a coup to me

[–] 5 pts

Nobody with a brain believes Sloppy Joe and Kamaltoe won. Civil War and their deposement is coming soon.

[–] 3 pts

They want Civil War. They are doing everything that they can do to provoke that reaction. It is called choice manipulation or something similar. They do things and present facts so that you are lead to make the choice that they want you to make because you feel like you have no other choice. It is a manipulation tactic and those calling for violence are falling for the trap.

I want justice. I want the truth.

[–] 4 pts

You won’t get either of those until everything burns to the ground.

[–] 4 pts

Once biden is in, the ONLY thing the right will have any chance of winning is a civil war, and the chances of that succeeding diminish as time goes by.

[–] 1 pt

Yup. Lack of real action is how it got this bad in the first place, but we were told to trust the plan and that "they want civil war."

[–] 3 pts

No they don't want Civil War. Why? because there's a chance they'd be removed from power.

Their only aim is to further demoralize and ostracize those who disagree with them. The brainwashed masses will continue mindlessly follow their telescreens. The talking heads on CNN know all /s. If nothing is done, White people will be outbred and be too weak (number wise) to change anything. A Civil War would give us a chance to bring this country back to sanity and embrace truth.... they don't want that.

[–] 0 pt

They'd be okay with a Civil War if they don't start it because there's a chance they can gain more power and remove their enemies. If they are responding to aggressors, they have the chance to be even more ruthless. After they squash the rebellion, the Constitution would be dead to avoid any further rebellions.

There's huge pluses if they win and aren't the aggressors.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

I want a war.

Edit: 2 wars. I want 2 wars.

Edit: 4 wars. 4 is fine. Depends on Yemen.

[–] 3 pts

Stupid, cucked boomer. Violence is the only way out. They don't want a civil war cause they know they will lose, the left can't fight and don't have millions of guns like we do. If you were born in the 1700s, faggots like you would be telling the colonies that the British want Americans to fight the most powerful military in the world. Enjoy your Qshit and and complaining about the rigged election.

[–] 1 pt

Not a cucked boomer. I'm late Gen X and I don't believe Q.

No one is going to do anything because too many people are still comfortable. There's too many people with housing, food and a way to get either. That's the problem. That's why there's bread and circuses. At this point, the violent response is the one they want - they'll crack down harder than they did in Tiananmen Square. And China will do what the Soviets did - throw bodies at the problem. They've got men they can afford to lose.

If you need evidence that is what they want - PATRIOT Act 2 is 20,000 pages and was ready in less than a week. The original PATRIOT Act was ready in about the same time.

They want us to react violently, it is what they want. They know they have us trapped and now is not the time to unleash Hell.

[–] 0 pt

You tellem Gen Z!

[–] 1 pt

No they fuckin don't. They want you to sit around and do nothing.

[–] 0 pt

Going for violence or sitting around doing nothing serves their aims. It doesn't matter to them which you do so long as you aren't going around pointing out the bullshit they spew and actions they take.

[–] 1 pt

A violent bloody war is coming and the communists may win. China is offering 250k troops called "peacekeepers" to each major US city for a "smooth transition" into Communism.

A fake virus was used to create fear, open looting and violence was approved by all Democrat heads of State, they rigged the election and now China has finished their one year plan. We lost our country to China. It's over, but some will go out guns blazing against the slanted slopes that destroyed the United States with Leftist liberal approval.

[–] 0 pt

We are calling chinks jews now?

[–] 0 pt

There is nothing civil in war. The issues need to be addressed at the ballot box with term limits and recall legislation. If they don't do what you want then you vote them out and remove them from office.

[–] 3 pts

Keep believing that. Fucking waterhead.

[–] -1 pt

There is nothing civil in war. A nation divided against itself will not stand. We must must must hold on to the tools we were given to effect change. The alternatives are not life-affirming. Voting is the way to address these issues..locally, nationally. You don't get to live action role play in tactical camo gear and spout tough words on the internet but you may be able to effect change in a lawful and rational manner without risking life and limb. Civil War is an oxymoron. Anyone advocating it as an option belongs on a list.

[–] 1 pt

Um, did you not know about Dominion and the Rome server? Hello! There will never be a fair election. SMDH

[–] 0 pt

I saw a brief article claiming a special forces raid was conducted in Italy to grab a computer server alleged to have been used to conduct election fraud.

[–] 1 pt

You still believe that the voters are the ones who decide who's in power? Not a fucking chance.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

The problem is millions of voters were dead and millions of ballots were entered more than three times. A rigged election is pure treason. Unless those involved face a firing squad or a gallows, Civil War is the only option to get them for their horrendous crimes against the people. They could admit it and save millions of innocent people. They won't though.

[–] 0 pt

How do we find proof of this...is anyone even looking and if you are looking do you become an enemy of the state

[–] 0 pt

The ballot box?? Really? Have you been asleep for the last couple of months? They raped the American public with their arrogant CHEATING!! There will never be another fair election unless action is taken to remedy these assholes!!

[–] 0 pt

This is the legal tool that we have. We need to enact term limits and recall legislation so we can get rid of the deadwood and nearly deadwood sitting in Congress and the Senate. Pelossi is far too comfortable in her chair and Mitch Mc Connel is too..Lindsey Graham needs to be exploring other options in life as well. So tired of Grey Haired old lawyers deciding the future for the majority. Yes vote yes lobby. Yes become active in your community, local, town ,city, state, then nationally..it takes time..we let this situation fester for 30 years or more we need to start the process of change..and Congressional Term Limits and Recall Legislation needs to be on the books..we can do it..and maybe then we can get rid of the DINOSAURS in the house..totally clean the place up of this millonaire lawyers and actually put some people in charge of looking out for the American People and not THEMSELVES. They are not about right and wrong its more about what can get them elected again in their home state. Look at them look how they voted for the LIAR in CHIEF. Disgusting

[–] 4 pts

Since the media made a huge deal about the attendance at Trump's inauguration, they have to make up an excuse why there won't be any people at Biden's. Imagine if they had no make believe "white supremacist rioters" to blame it on and no fake pandemic to excuse them. There would be an old, senile man paraded in front of 2 or 3 people and it qould be embarrassing as fuck.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

If they are trying to trick me into watching it, it didn't work. I've, we've suffered enough. This will probably be the least enthusiasm for an inauguration ever. This is madness on an epic scale. If any leader rise up from the people, they will call them terrorist.

Trump has started a huge shit storm and sticking us with the check.

[–] 2 pts

I can’t look at Kamala.

Ever since her botched face work, she looks more like a fucking Wanda Sykes clown than ever.

[–] 0 pt

But I would enjoy the view of the back of her head, in my lap

[–] 0 pt

Me neither. She's a fucking hyena face mocha mistake.

[–] 2 pts

the soldiers are going to have to stay there for 4 years.

[–] 2 pts

trump no wars in 4 years. Biden already in a civil war

[–] 2 pts

THIS is the new bread and circus. The "riots" had nothing to do with the election not being certified. Trump was a trojan horse and I don't even think he knew it.

[–] 2 pts

He had no idea. They played his ego like a fiddle. You can see the look of shock on his face in his recent appearances attempting to shore up whatever legacy he thinks he can salvage.

He will not be treated kindly by history, from either side. He will go down as a racist or a coward depending on who wins the right to write history.

[–] 2 pts

I will admit I bought in for a while. Truth be told him beating Hilary might have been YUGE for America and he might be the greatest modern American president but that is a VERY low bar. You are spot on about the historians on both sides giving him a perpetual swirly for all eternity...and he MIGHT deserve it from the right side

[–] 2 pts

Well it's kind of hard to fight the swamp, rothschild media, big tech, demonrats, and rino backstabbers. The only allies he thought he had was israel and they were the first to congratulate pedo joe.

[–] 0 pt

Trump's body is filled with chinese midget ninjas, hell bent on destroying America.

This is blowing my mind.

[–] 0 pt

No Trump works with one faction of (((non chinese)))

[–] 0 pt

You mean the (((one))) that controls both sides and foments dischord.

[–] 2 pts

Ask yourself why kike media hates North Korea

[–] 3 pts

Supposedly, they don't have a central bank.

[–] 1 pt

*They don't have a Rothschild bank.

[–] 0 pt

I should have been clearer about that, thanks.

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