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[–] 7 pts

Why is anyone surprised? The FBI likely put the contract out on behalf of Killary. They've been the Deep State's secret police since their inception.

[–] 0 pt

The CIA right along with them with no accountability whatsoever

[–] 0 pt

I have a feeling that Epstein and Seth Rich have been in protective custody this whole time

[–] 1 pt

Yes! This group seems to forget SR’s own family smirking right after his “death” in an interview right after. The brother could not keep his smile straight and both parents seemed unfazed and non-emotional. That dude is alive.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I think they were just really creepy and highly brainwashed "progressives". The blank stare trying to behave like they thought people would act.

How upset would they be at losing a racist, bad, evil anti hilllary member of the family? They were very involved in the party.

Yes because when they are in a life and death situation, hiding their son or brother, understanding they’re lying to billions of people in video clips that will be seen by the people who would kill him, they can’t help but smile and laugh!

And it makes perfect sense that the people who he stabbed in the back would go out of their way to.... protect him.

[–] 4 pts

So they killed Seth and blamed the Russians and trump - and the FBI were part of the coverup - unbelievable !

[–] 1 pt

Negative, they killed Seth and blamed 2 nigs.

[–] 3 pts

What a shocker the Yid wanted to get paid for undermining his host organization.

[–] 0 pt

Yid ?! Lol. Wtf is that? Lmao !

[–] 2 pts

Not surprised by this old news. Great to see it getting legs, though.

Is this article an ad for this other guys book? Struggling to figure how that relates to this.

[–] 0 pt

Hmm...? (ponders situation)

It's gotta be true, because somebody wrote a book.

Also, as seen on TV.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Seth Rich lives .. he is fella with his paw near his jaw who is supposed to have been murdered in Washington DC July 10, 2016, photographed neatly framed between Melania & Donald Trump (i.ibb.co) at an official red carpet engagement, as per the reflection in his and Melania's sunglasses .. his hair, the watchband around the wrong way and the hand to mouth mannerism are identifying features.

Disciple of Bugs Bunny 14 (youtube.com) commented on the Deborah Tavares (youtube.com) video Plan to Burn up Northern California Disclosed (youtube.com), "it’s possible Seth Rich isn’t even dead, according to Robert David Steele (youtube.com) Seth Rich was never pronounced dead at the hospital and had no autopsy. The former CIA op claims Seth Rich was a Mossad agent and says the Rich family who are Israeli citizens don’t want his [alleged] death to be investigated."

In reply to those who will decry the image as fake, witness French President Emmanuel Macron at right front in perfect focus whereas POTUS' focus is somewhat less well defined, while the focus on Melania's hair at extreme left is grainy at best, the Rich character is less well focused than the first three while the two background figures are less well focused still.

As well it would be difficult to shop the reflection of a red carpet walkway into Rich's sunglasses, so for that reason and knowing of the foibles of long distance digital photography I put the image in the ok folder .. the Seth Rich case has been a celebrity issue from the very start, Voat (searchvoat.co) no less has acres of bandwidth extolling his virtue, and has had a shot of him up front all done up in a stars & stripes (i.postimg.cc) costume since well before his alleged assassination.

Which makes one wonder just how a clown like that got bandwidth in the first place .. as well how did he get that close to the Presidential party except he has a high level security clearance.

[–] 0 pt

Why would Seth Rich ask Wikileaks for money? Seth Rich was murdered ..and if he WAS asking Wiki leaks for money , why would the corrupt FBI memory hole that information ?

[–] 0 pt

Fucking assholes. I'm a veteran, former boy scout, I have a flag on the front of my house but I hate my fucking Country right now.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Not country dear , you hate the corrupt politicians that are bought and sold , who sold our enemy all the information they needed to infiltrate and manipulate our weaker social to our detriment weakness lying , greedy , treasonous evil politicians. (and we sorta didn't see it until recently ). Now it's in your face , and will be dealt with . One way or the other. Very valid reasons to be angry and wrathful at them , but your country is and was beautiful and if not fucked with and able to heal and hang the murderous traitors from our midst , it can be that shining beacon on the hill..so to speak

[–] 0 pt

I'm completely with you. Where I am is currently a police state and you're guilty before innocent. It's fucked up. To be honest it says a fuck ton if you take your flag down. People who walk/drive by will notice and it sends the biggest message possible.

[–] 0 pt

Seth rich is jewish.

Glad he died. Fuck him