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[–] [deleted] 2 pts

The government shut down businesses. You can't shut down everyone's businesses then go full libertardian when it is time to send relief. I get he was also probably against shut downs but at some point reality has to come into play.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

It's not the $600 part that I find outrageous personally

If anything, as you pointed out, it's justifiable; the gov orders people to shut down their business, it calls for compensation, for the damages inflicted to those businesses. Now 600 bucks is a joke, it's pocket change, you're only going to buy a couple of sandwiches and cigs for a month with this, and that's about it

No, it's the foreign handouts included in this "stimulus package" that I find totally out of place, especially toward rich states such as israel. Israel isn't exactly a third world country and even if it was that's not an excuse


According to IMF, Israel ranks 19, on a list of 186 countries when it comes to GDP per capita

France ranks 20, UK 21, Japan 22.... Nepal ranks 156....

The joke

Deluxe beggars

It's the extra unemployment that's important. The $600 is bullshit. That's for people like me who kept their jobs to have a little extra pocket change. But people need that unemployment to keep what's left of the economy running for now. What this whole lockdown nonsense revealed is how much pointless bullshit we pass off as meaningful employment.

[–] 1 pt

You mean...the reality that the virus is a hoax and going full libertarian would solve this overnight?

Yes, in fantasy land where libertarianism is the law of the land the virus wouldn't have been a problem. In reality where the governments shut down the economy they now need to give people money to pay bills and buy food.

[–] 1 pt

Welcome to the looting phase of the empire, if you aren't looting, you're being looted

[–] 0 pt

Or encourage them to create their own markets and shelter. Its a whole new world...view it as an entrepeneur that has a side hobby of killing niggers jews and traitors. A part time cyberpunk judge dredd.

You can wish for a libertarian society in one hand and shit in the other, see which gets filled first. In the meantime there are people who got put out of work and need to eat and the government is funding them through expanded unemployment. Suddenly cutting it off would cause people to run short of food. Postiring over ideological points makes Paul look dickish and cruel, and by extension all libertarians.

[–] 0 pt

The reality is everyone saw this coming and is responsible for their fate at this point, no matter what happens or who is to blame. Can do. This attitude will slaughter the jew, and nothing less.

Yes tax cuts for race horses and millions for gender studies in Pakistan is surely what we need to restart small businesses!

[–] 0 pt

"but at some point reality has to come into play"

When will that be?

When there are disruptions in the food supply.