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Yeah, he is not great but would you rather have the hot-dog swallowing hindu-dundu?

Yeah, he is not great but would you rather have the hot-dog swallowing hindu-dundu?
[–] 1 pt

Trump has done more for Israel.

[–] 0 pt

I will take small wins where they exist. Biden/Kamila were doing just as much or more while also doing everything possible to kill the country.

At least a few things are going the other way. You can't win all at once... That is until..... One day, for "no reason at all".

Well, we are not there yet.....

[–] 1 pt

There's no win. Trump is just cancelling what Biden did. She's still not in jail.

[–] 0 pt

I get it. Still. Where are you right now if that moron fake black/indian "won".

[–] 1 pt

I disagree. I think he is pretty fucking great. Yea, he ain't perfect, I've got a few complaints, but overall, he's done more for the conservative cause, more for patriots, more for NC, more for America than FJB did in his entire four years. Go Trump.