I will be pissed if we don't make extraordinary progress in making America great again and ending global welfare including Israel. AIPAC must be forced to file FARA and dual citizenship must end for elected officials. We The People must be educated on what transpired in creating Israel and what has transpired since, the jewish control over elected officials, the money laundering, the blackmail, the fed, the conniving, all of it. That is half or more of the battle, making Americans aware of what is going on and how to remedy it.
If that doesn't happen in this go-round, revolution is the only answer. Much to my dismay.
You know the outcome of taking the jews out of the equation.
Samson Option.
I'll be happy to get them out of America's equation. I thought the Sampson Option was the jew solution if Israel were invaded and over run? They would be idiots if they tried that on the US just for cleansing our government of their jewry.
jewSA is part of Israel oversea territories.