He's could have easily stopped giving goyim tax money to israel in his last term, but didn't.
AIPAC et al were in full force, Trump was up to his neck in political fire from the (((DS))), I don't think he wanted to dump nitromethane on that fire at that time. He's a lame duck after inauguration, he has the mandate, all of the evidence or treason in his back pocket, he is politically stronger than ever and now in position to fight that battle with congress. He has purposefully publicly seeded that conversation. Lets see where that goes and what happens.
Lets see where that goes and what happens.
No offence but it's the exact same rhetoric i've read over and over from his past term.
What will you say when his second term is over and nothing has changed (jews are still in control of the U.S.)?
No offense but your idea that it would be "easy" (for anyone) to disentrench the jew is fantastical thinking at best. Once/If we ever achieve a majority of Americans noticing the jew, then the task might become easier. America has a HUGE shabbos goy problem as well as a jew problem.
your idea that it would be "easy"
I appreciate your take on it, but I never said it would be easy.
I will be pissed if we don't make extraordinary progress in making America great again and ending global welfare including Israel. AIPAC must be forced to file FARA and dual citizenship must end for elected officials. We The People must be educated on what transpired in creating Israel and what has transpired since, the jewish control over elected officials, the money laundering, the blackmail, the fed, the conniving, all of it. That is half or more of the battle, making Americans aware of what is going on and how to remedy it.
If that doesn't happen in this go-round, revolution is the only answer. Much to my dismay.
You know the outcome of taking the jews out of the equation.
Samson Option.