Let's be honest John Kerry was a fucking retard.
George Bush was a fucking retard with an evil vice president.
Bill Clinton was a fucking retard with an evil wife pulling a lot of the strings.
George Bush was corrupt.
Ronald Reagan was Trump 1.0.
Jimmy Carter was a vapid moron.
Gerald Ford was a retard.
Nixon was our guy and got kiked.
Lyndon B Johnson was an evil rat kike.
JFK tried and got kiked.
And one of you old fags will have to speak to presidents beyond that point. My knowledge beyond JFK is pretty slim. I would imagine any president beyond 1909 to JFK was mostly kiked in some way shape or form since income taxes followed, the dust bowl, WW1, and WW2.
Ike (Eisenhower) was good, a hands off POTUS that spent more time golfing than sticking his nose into your civil rights and business. He forewarned us of the industrial military complex.