they are motivated simply by gain of power and profit
They already have all the power and have literally unlimited money. If you've ever seen the Panama papers, you would know, they have thousands and thousands of bank accounts with balances of 100-200 digits in dollars, they are insane numbers.
They are motivated by satan and a will to genocide the planet.
Ancient Babylonian Talmudic Death Cultists ....
Yeah satan just an easier way for normies to digest it, but yeah same thing. More specifically Crowleyism + Masonic crap with jew masquerade
Oh yea for sure. Many different names / branches/ aspects for essentially the same thing.
'Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law'
balances of 100-200 digits in dollars
The number of atoms in the universe is only ~87 digits
I had a pdf of all the Panama papers accounts, balances, names and shit I fucking lost it
Well if you find it and it has 100 digit account balances then it’s obviously bullshit, because nobody has more dollars than atoms that exist
(post is archived)