All this post does is provide ammo to the oppositions argument that "see, see how easy it is to obtain and learn how to use these guns so proficiently enough to kill at scale!"
No ones suddenly going to see this argument and say "oh man it really must be the police unions and federal agencies promoting violence, arming people for violence ,and grooming people for violence!"
The argument you SHOULD make is "shame on you for disarming teachers and students."
It sounds insane to the mod-left but
will be unintentionally amplified by the triggered extreme 'left' (regime supporters and rinocrat conservatives).
gives ammo to governors that are forced, becaue of electoral politics, to pick a side of the issue
means that, where it gets passed, it becomes trivial to identity the leftfash vs sane teachers. The leftfash won't carry guns, the moderates and true conservatives will.
This will help conservative teachers identify each other and form their own coalitions.
It will make cleaning house a LOT easier whenever precinct takeoevers occur during local elections, supposing thats still possible.
Force commie teachers to carry guns. They'll either quit, look like hypocrites, be demoralized by how many teachers will (which we can amplify online by calling them "secret conservatives all along! Nah nah genderbenders, conservatives are everywhere"), and we can demoralize them further by rubbing in the fact that they're funding the very industry they want shut down.
Once even a fraction of teachers carry guns, say 3-10%, the cultural change becomes inevitible, as conservatives begin to see it as a much more welcoming profession.
This is how you bust a union.
This is absolutely correct. We spend a lot of time complaining about our leaders doing jack shit strategically in any dimension. However, the real problem is our people have NO FUCKING CLUE how to argue and get on offensive side of an argument. Now, to be fair, our side tries to include all perspectives and guarantee freedom for all as part of our nature, sure. However, the other side ONLY GOES ON THE OFFENSIVE and this is why such a teeeny tiny minority has been able to control the narrative. And this is the mistake our side keeps on making. We keep on trying to treat the world like they are our friends, which is 100% of the time a strategic loss.
We need to build something like blood sports for normies so that we can teach our people how to fight, argue and always be on the offensive against the enemy and ONLY reserve our true nature for our own.
Exceptional point.
However, the other side ONLY GOES ON THE OFFENSIVE and this is why such a teeeny tiny minority has been able to control the narrative
actually I see this as only a small portion of the problem.
The bigger problem is the force amplifier of the media.
That needs to be cut right out or dampened enormously.
Our side learning how to argue effectively might affect things in the mid and long term, but neutralizing the ability of the media to manipulate the public, would basically cripple the regime's propagandists.
Once again, you hit it out of the park. So I am not the only one that understand the mechanics of the machine.
So you can see the moving parts as well I guess?
(post is archived)