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[–] 13 pts

Trump had ample opportunity to say he made a mistake about the handling of Covid, and to reject the vaccines. He did not do so. Now he reaps what he has sown.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

He's also a billionaire that didn't miss the opportunity to make profits off this mess, the worst injustice out of these two years almost

[–] 2 pts

Im shocked he is this stupid after saying the right things 2017-2019. Like 2 different people.

[–] 1 pt

Trump had ample opportunity to say he made a mistake about the handling of Covid

Is he man enough to admit that he made a mistake? He took the shot, right? So he got conned, essentially... We probably all know it's harder to make victims admit they got scammed, than to lead the crooks to admit they scammed those people

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

Trump is a zionist billionaire obeying to jews. Only the stupid can expect him do good.

[–] 1 pt

didn't one of his kids just convert? He sold us out

[–] 8 pts

It is healthy that people on the right are willing to disagree on issues.

Are you a one issue voter?

Is this issue disqualifying for Trump?

It isn't for me, although it does bring his judgement into question (not the only thing which does). I'd still vote for him in a second. He did a lot of good overall and I'm not willing to overlook that. As long as he remains steadfast on it being a choice to be vaxxed and doesn't support coercion.

If this is disqualifying, then what is your choice? DeSantis is Trump in a more palatable format. Rand Paul is who I'd like to see, but I don't know that he is charismatic enough to win in a primary against DeSantis or Trump.

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 2 pts

I don't know if Rand Paul will round up illegals and deport them or finish the wall. I don't know if Rand Paul will tell trade partners and allies to fuck off if they don't pull their weight.

I want someone like Trump in there to straighten some of these fuckers out like those da*n Canadians.

[–] 1 pt

Rand Paul running for President? NOPE. No desire for him.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Rand Paul is who I'd like to see, but I don't know that he is charismatic enough to win in a primary against DeSantis or Trump.

I'm starting to believe there's a curse on the pauls. No matter what they say or do it's as if it was happening in a parallel universe where it's not even happening or something, as if it was not even real, even when rand paul speaks on tv it feels like the video is muted

[–] 1 pt

Media manipulation perhaps. It's odd their message doesn't resonate more with the American people.

[–] 1 pt

They give him air times, sometimes. But it's weird how he systematically fails to communicate. He speaks, he tells stuffs, but it's as if the communication doesn't work. At least that's how I feel each time I see/hear him. Rand paul doesn't get mad enough essentially, he always speaks with that same monotonous, passionless tone and that kind of spoils everything he has to say. There's no sense of "alarm". He could be speaking about the weather in switzerland or a giant meteor about to hit the planet within an hour, you still could hardly tell the difference

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

Neither side can muster up a competent leader. I mean, neither side will even try to muster up a competent leader, because that's not how this works. You'll never meet, nor ever even see with your own eyes, those who actually rule over you.

[–] 2 pts

That isn't quite true. Both sides are trying to, but both are utterly incompetent at doing so.

Just look at the conversations on this board. There is ZERO chance any jew gives a fuck about this board or us, the sophistication of conversation on our side is below zero.

On any of our sites.

[–] 1 pt

Both sides are trying to, but both are utterly incompetent at doing so.

Ah, I see you're still at the "it's all just innocent incompetence" phase. The rest of us are waiting for you to get past that.

[–] 2 pts

Dear lord, our people are fucking stupid. Even basic comprehension is completely out of reach for everyone here.

[–] 3 pts

Lets Go Brandon!

[–] 3 pts

Fuck joe biden and fuck anybody pushing GMO genocide.

[–] 1 pt

In this case...

Let's Go Donald!

[–] 0 pt

>For originality I say you sound like a dumb kike, and have to do better then that.

[–] 0 pt

Lets Go Brandon!

Yes, because you're sooo fucking original repeating the same braindead phrase as the rest of the LGB idiots.

So let's go OG on the phrase. Fuck joe biden. Fuck donald trump. Fuck all the zionist jews occupying our democratic republic. And fuck you for being such a retarded niggerfaggotkike.

[–] 3 pts

Maybe he can stop the vaccination drive because of the people who always do the opposite of what he says. He will lose many fans in the process, but they will vote against his opponent in 2024 anyway.

[–] 2 pts

If Trump were pro vax Biden would be declaring the pandemic over. The job is to keep the goy split.

[–] 2 pts

It's almost as if Trump supporters are not mindless npcs who simply do whatever they are told by dear leader.

[–] 1 pt

They are so angry that we think for ourselves and stick to our convictions irrespective of a perceived centralized leader.

[–] 1 pt

"The only thing that the Republicans have going for them is that the Democrats are worse. 90% of Republican politicians are spineless hacks, rendering the 10% who aren't powerless."

[–] 1 pt

i think Trumps ego is so massive he cant help but take credit for the carnage of the vaccine........ then being a slave to such a grand ego he will not listen to the "science' on how his "vaccine' is being used to rake in money for BIG Pharma at the expense of the health the people he thinks he represents

[–] 1 pt

Fuckstick, you never even got started and you are declaring Trump Finished. What a clown you are. Yes, he is done. Lets all vote for more of the same. What fucking retards you guys are. I mean it. Morons and greedy kikes. Look, Donny ain't the best choice, but what other trainwreck are you going to support?

Waiting? Crickets. What happens to your Occupy Wall St? Did Antifa disappoint you too? What fucking pathetic imbeciles you are.

I hope you wake up and realize there is a Whole Wide World out there and things aren't always black and white. But please. Go for Karma and Internet points. Trump is finished.

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