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(post is archived)

[–] -1 pt

I never said you made a claim you subversive nigger. The claim that he's alive is the only claim. There is zero proof of that. You're arguing for a completely unsubstantiated jew claim. Shut the fuck up.

[–] -1 pt

you dont get it do you? your a real obstinate nigger, just because someone lies doesnt make the opposite fact, you make claims you cant backup, i have seen you do this a number of times, it just makes you look like some disinfo agent.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

When it's a binary statement it does you dumbass. If someone lies about person A being dead then there aren't multiple options for what the truth is. There's only a single option: that person A is alive. That pilpul now confirms what's been obvious since the downvote. You're a jew. Try harder. https://archive.md/9EHcI

[–] -1 pt

The opposite of him killing himself is that he didnt kill himself, that doesnt mean he didnt die from other means, its not beneath jews to kill their own to hide their crimes, though its also not like it was entirely impossible that they didnt break him out and leave some goyim behind as a corpse. But you cant prove they he was escaped,