Anti-fascist = pro-communist = fucking retard.
Way to ruin a once good meme, fucking retard
I hate how many Boomers don't have any fucking idea what Fascism is and think it's "the collusion of business and government" or, more often than not, all it means to them is "bad government that I don't like."
What you are witnessing today is Communism you fucking idiots. When people are finally fed up and invest authority into a leader that will temporarily have absolute control for the purposes of expunging Communism...that is Fascism.
When Fascism comes, you will be there cheering it on, even if you don't know it by name.
Poal inherited tons of boomers from Voat.
the reason the cling to stuff like "leftist are da real fascists" and "demoncraps are da real racists" is because they've been brainwashed for decades that fascism/racism/nazism is the most evil thing ever, they do not ever challenge the liberal status quo but instead uselessly try to turn it around, not realizing that they lack institutional support.
Fuk up you retarded fascist cvnt.
Communism is the state owning the means of production. No middle men.
Fascism is private groups and individuals being the nominal owners of the means of production but the state being the actual owners in partnership with private people.
What we have today is factually fascism which is just another form of socialism.
You retarded cvnts have defied muh fascism and elevated it to something it isn't.
Youre no better than commie cvnts over on reddit.
Real men. Our ancestors. Built our ruined society by being capitalist Christians
In short. Fuk you
I knew a Boomer would come in and parrot what his Marxist educators taught him. Fascism is extremely authoritarian nationalism. That's it.
You offered no refutation because you have no means to because I'm right and your wrong.
You founded your beliefs upon lies.
This is why you resorted to insults. As I knew you would hence why my post was both factual and marking you for the cvnt you are.
Marxism. Fascism. Same vile shit
What the fuck? This picture is (((backward))). Everything from below the top statement described communism and is literally the opposite of Fascism. Fascism is good. Fascism is healthy. Fascism allows for corporate and individual freedoms. The jew fears and hates Fascism.
(((he))) owns //countersemitism/
- jews aren't semites.
- no one is 'counter semitic'.
Just like I'm not 'counter fun'. I'm anti fun. Learn English.
Fascism is for cvnts and sociopaths no less than its close cousin communism.
Be a man. Be a human being. Embrace capitalism
Antifa was always a Jewish Anti-White terrorist organisation. I don't mean that as a pejorative but in the literal sense: "the unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives."
Except there is no fucking mandate law
whats the difference between fascism and communism? the not entirely retarded still on eddit claim them to be the same thing and i dont know enough to rebute them.
Communism is one form of socialism.
The ruling elites own everything and control the means of production directly.
To run a business you need to be a party member and the party dictates how your business is run.
Fascism is communism with one extra step.
To run a business you still need to be a party member or have one working with you. You do get to however manage your business as you see fit though still have the state ruling party as your boss.
Fascism is the Merger of state and private. Cartels.
You can see it in the film Schindler list. Oscar had to join the party. He could buy a factory with his own and investors money but once he did the state bought all his goods. Told him what to make. But he could operate the business his way to a certain extent. Oscar was the nominal owner the state the defacto owner of the means of production
i somehow doubt that a ww2 movie made by jews is an accurate assement of a type of government that was used by their enemies to physically remove them.
Sure. Except the description was straight out of nazi manifesto.
They were open on how they opposed the free market. They were open on this opposition which was why they signed a treaty with Ussr. Both were socialist nations opposed to the capitalist societies.
Two sides of the same coin struggling for the same powerbase. Similar to sunni vs shiite
To lolbertarians who think having taxes for roads are fascism they're the same thing.
While others could explain it far better than me I'll give it a shot.
Communism and Fascism, specifically Fascist Corporatism (the economic system of Fascist Italy) are both collectivist ideologies and have similarities, but both their motivation, and methods could not be more opposed.
I can suggest reading some Oswald Mosley and Mussolini for different takes on the idea of corporatism, which actually predates fascism by quite a bit as it originated with Saint Thomas Aquinas in the 1200s.
The basic idea is that the economy is organized into corporations which are expected to act as organs of the body (corpus means body, and this is where the name comes from), their purpose is to enrich the nation as a whole first, profit is secondary to providing for the needs of the people. For example if many people were dying of opioid overdoses the state would jump in and say "ok (((sackler))) family, you clearly don't have the nation's interests at heart, because you value your profit more than not killing people you don't get to do pharmaceuticals anymore. One important part is that Multinational corporations would need to be abolished, as a corporation existing in multiple countries creates a conflict of interest, just as the same organ cannot serve two bodies equally neither can the same corporation serve two countries equally.
It is important to note that personal&private property both exist under corporatism.
Get your facts right fuk head. Libertarians know that taxes are theft and slavery.
Which it is.
Fascism is the federal reserve bank. Or licensed businesses like health insurance companies.
Lolbertarianism is a jewish psyop, "yeah lmao we'll just have no taxes or laws or society because that's oppression, everything will be done with mutual contracts and NAP" results in your society getting fucking conquered.
If you're against fascism you want to genocide white people.
When people say I'm an idiot for calling g them nazi commies<<< commies today are with the goverment media and big business??? Hmmm what did the nazis do again? Took over the media and big business and the goverment to implement totalitarian rules and laws<<< difference is Hitler named the jew fought the jew and the laws were for white Germans not multicultural shit head fuck ups
Took over the media and big business and the goverment to implement totalitarian rules and laws
Quite literally not what the Nazis did you uneducated nigger.
Absolutely in hitlers own words what he said he would do and later did you fuk head.
Hitler was as socialist as stalin
I understand what went on and all the disinformation around all of it not that it makes me an expert but I do have a history degree. The amount of disinformation about all of it is off the charts. Hitler did a lot of good things for Germany and the German people. I've watched a lot about it.
My comparison is fine your tiny brain is not I think one of your altz is commenting right now because this doesn't sound like the sane anticlutch hut the psycho jew anti clutch
I know your a jew but what am I defense is on the way.
Media goverment and business is under communist control or ideology Saul alinskys plan is working as planned the commies are winning using similar tactics as the nazis in Germany just with terrible out comes planned if we had a real media none of this could have happend.
Anticlutch altz
rofl. I gave a quote of Hitler proclaiming the internet to protect PRIVATE business and here you are glossing over that, glossing over history, glossing over the fact. You can't handle it. You're used to arguing this way on the (((flat Earth))) kikery where there is no history (no the Earth was flat vs is a sphere vs this that or the other), it's just a jewish falsity. You're so far out of your scope. You've sunk to the "hurrrrrrrrrrrr anticlutch is just many people on an account and this is a different one than that one". Because it's unfathomable of you for someone to learn and change their posting methodology. Adaptation is something only intelligence is capable of: thus it's lost on you.
Media goverment and business is under communist control or ideology Saul alinskys plan is working as planned the commies are winning using similar tactics as the nazis in Germany just with terrible out comes planned if we had a real media none of this could have happend.
Nazi Germany didn't take private anything. At all. Nazi Germany had a propaganda arm, certainly, but it didn't own the media. It didn't 'take' the media. It freed it of jewish influence. That's good and precisely the opposite of what you're claiming.
Please NEVER comment on anything about history, Nazis, jews, politics, Earth, or humans. Ever again. You are so abrasively uneducated and willingly so. Hitler's primary goal (with regards to this issue) was to preserve private industry and keep it private. This isn't new information. Not here, not poal, not now, not you. this is old, known, and well studied. It's been posted here by me specifically many times. I've likely posted it in reply to you at least once.
Compared to what modern day Americans are used to the Nazis do look like communists, the idea of actually regulating a corporation that is actively working against the nation is communism to a lolbertarian.
Rofl... (((lolberg))) is communism.
Nazi Germany is communist compared to... America, which is actually communist
Fuck off.
That was a good image. I don't think I'm communicating effectively what I mean.
No you aren't. Because you're communicating jewish lies and I have no interest in them. At base you actually believe that communism = Fascism = totalitarian. And that is like saying 1 = 2 = odd. It's wrong. Just flat wrong. And you're a fucking dumbass.
(post is archived)