The one thing about that book that always got me was that the proles had a far better life than anybody in the party. Winston had an awful existence despite being a member, and while O’Connor got to enjoy the finer things in life like good food and wine he was still heavily restricted in what he could do or say. But when Winston talks to the prole they do so in a crowded pub sipping pints. Other than the whole ‘inevitably being sent to your death in some meaningless war’ I’d have much rather been a prole than a party member of any standing. But then I do love me pints!
The one thing about that book that always got me was that the proles had a far better life than anybody in the party. Winston had an awful existence despite being a member, and while O’Connor got to enjoy the finer things in life like good food and wine he was still heavily restricted in what he could do or say. But when Winston talks to the prole they do so in a crowded pub sipping pints. Other than the whole ‘inevitably being sent to your death in some meaningless war’ I’d have much rather been a prole than a party member of any standing. But then I do love me pints!
(post is archived)