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(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt


Let's recap...

You: I think some of the heads were shopped in

Me: It isn’t shopped - /me provide link to several pictures with different angles to show that no heads were shopped in

You: lalalalala I can't hear you blahblahblah the neck...blahblahblah

quod erat demonstrandum

[–] 0 pt

I wanna know how he can tell Kamel Toes neck is so long when she is hidden behind another person. She's just leaning back to stand out because her ego demands it.

[–] 1 pt

You can see where her elbow and right boob are down at the bottom, under that other lady’s head. That is really Kamala’s body in the cream suit. The head was shopped from a different pic. Compare it with some of the other pictures of the event in the daily mail article. Some of the heads are identical to these heads, but not all.

[–] 0 pt

Sure. Whatever you say. Doesn’t matter what happened, does it? Anyone who disagrees with you gets penalized because you’re a mercurial thug.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

lol You made a false claim and I provided you with evidence that the heads are actually theirs and not shopped in

Sure. Whatever you say. Doesn’t matter what happened, does it?

lol Now that you are presented with the evidence, what you said doesn't matter anymore. Okay.

Anyone who disagrees with you gets penalized because you’re a mercurial thug.

lol listen Abigail, what happened to your account has been discussed and you already know why you got algo'ed. You're not the only one who got algo'ed today, some of your frens too (for exact same reason >> vote gaming). So own it and level back up or go whine somewhere else.

The choice is yours.

[–] 0 pt

No, but you're making it obvious why you're a dimmed kike.

[–] 0 pt

Im sure I am. I don’t deep throat every tin pot admin that lords it over his little social media satrapy. Because I have self respect. Dont forget to come up for air.