WelcomeUser Guide

©2025 Poal.co


Any of you Polars experienced with how Poal works, your help is welcome!

That FAQ will have to be split into several categories.

Share your suggestions/ideas in the comments.

  • Rewards: If any part of your submission makes it into the final FAQ, you'll get an Amazing badge and a signed nude pic of @picman.

Ready? Go!

Any of you Polars experienced with how Poal works, your help is welcome! That FAQ will have to be split into several categories. Share your suggestions/ideas in the comments. * Rewards: If any part of your submission makes it into the final FAQ, you'll get an Amazing badge and a signed nude pic of @picman. Ready? Go!

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

Eye right tecknical docooments four a larg part of me job.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Yew half too be payd good four that to, rite?

And be a gud speller

[–] 0 pt

Bean a gud spellar is impotent.