This is an excellent and much needed addition.
Thanks AOU! YouFaggot
Yeah, that was frustrating when you were only getting a "This link was recently posted in this sub" error without being able to see/search for the original post, especially if the title is different.
Gives me a thought, you could add a reverse link search so you can put in a link and see the post(s) that exist for said link, even if it's older than 2 weeks.
Only searches through public subs, of course.
Just a thought, as if you don't have enough to work on at the moment.
Already part of the new upcoming xpost feature (WIP) :)
I recently found a way to circumvent that "This link was recently posted in this sub" thing
I had to because the same zh link about corona virus was being updated over several hours, instead of being a different link
It really isn't rocket science, it's basic hack related to html/hyperlink stuffs btw number sign
And I probably shouldn't tell you about it since now you're likely going to fix it, or maybe someone is going to abuse it, which is unfortunate
I know exactly what you’re talking about. That’s not even a hack, and yes I could fix it with a regex, but there’s something better coming soon.
Yaou misspuelleide faguette !
(post is archived)