The difference is that Poal (all services included: vid8, chat, mumble, live-radio-cast...) runs on a little less than $200/month and is still smooth as butter (with zero downtime, except for low level updates), even when you know that it's been under daily DDoS attacks since before Poal moved to the new host (early this year).
The kosher salt won't stop to flow, which means we're doing it right.
The shit tier garbage as in the user base that contributed very little to voat while shitting up the place.
Impressive that costs are that slim.
The shit tier garbage as in the user base that contributed very little to voat while shitting up the place.
Oh yeah, they tried the same shit here years ago and then when voat got shoahed on December 25th 2020, and failed miserably.
I now live rent-free in their heads over at fakevoat. I've been told by poalrs who also post there that they can't stop whining about me in threads... how pathetic lol
I lurked here for awhile after the great shoahing and created an account a bit after. I trashed it one night just because alcohol + getting pissed of the shills that made it here. Lurked awhile again and now I'm back.
I lurked at fake voat during poals migration and holy hell...
(post is archived)