It actually has more commercial and industrial uses than gold.
Medicinal uses too.
It actually has more commercial and industrial uses than gold.
Medicinal uses too.
I buy lead and brass. When the SHTF, your stupid coins wont be worth a fuck.
You know you can own silver AND ammunition, right?
Wtf am I going to do with silver when the entire economy collapses? I can’t trade it to Muh homie for food, because he can’t do anything with the silver. If everything is shut down, no money will be worth a damn. Why don’t people get this? If you’re playing the stock market, fine, waste your money, but if you’re playing to survive, stock up on shit you can barter with. Unless you can melt down that jewish silver and cast a bullet out of it, it isn’t worth a fucking damn.
You seriously think stores of common value are going away of the economy collapses?
Precious metals are to preserve wealth after the fall, if you have more money than you know what to do with now.
Might be good to have silver for bullets incase of vampires and werewolves
How are you buying brass? Im probing the bowels of the internet daily and can find neither the brass nor the powder i want. I have some once fired brass, so im okay there, though id buy more new shit if i could. But all the brass, bullets and primers in the world arent worth a fuck without powder. This is gay.
Brass is a copper zinc allow, go to the bank get a bag of pennies and melt them down and then add more copper likely to get the ratio right and then beat it into a plate and then find a blacksmith that can reheat and then run it though a roller to thin it out to the thickness you need. I know some only work with iron but others might have a roller for sheets of metal and your mixing it in advance would make it so they just make sure the mix is thorough and that they give you a finished product that is as smooth as one from a factory or close enough that it can be used for your intended purpose. I'm sure most blacksmiths are very based and tough. If you find the right one they might trade services or materials or items for their rolling out your brass stock since they don't have to pay if they barter and your making a valuable friend when the shit is hitting the fan worst. Arrowheads and other things are a product blacksmiths can custom make also and unlike walmart your name doesn't hit the datacenters for confiscation like guns and premade ammo, when they want you harmless.
A: youre not going to melt down pennies and make rifle brass you larping retard. B: you dont have to show id to buy ammo ata store. Fuck off
Kills germs on contact so you can take it to purify water of not large matter but bacteria are dead when you swish it around. European blue bloods used it to keep them healthy and I think it was used during the black plague to make sure they didn't die. The blue blood was a condition called Argyria from ingesting silver made your skin pale and your veins show very blue. We've all heard born with a silver spoon, that was used to eat with to make sure food was not going to make them sick because there was no refrigeration. I think the paleness was also because they likely were cautious about going outside for fear of being killed by an enemy in wait. They should go out anyways because the sun is natures vitamin that keeps you healthy and not depressed so your mood would be helped by just going out for a bit.
(post is archived)