And i explained why my statement has merit. And you provided zero refutation or furthering of the conversation. You didnt explain how im wrong at all just repeated your baseless unsupported statement.oh and you "disagree" downvoted both of my comments which is supposed to be frowned upon here. But apparently its fine when youre disagree voting with a guy stating the truth.
Putt sold out to the highest bidder. If you don't know who, you're retarded.
kvetching about downvoting
You downvoted this post and my comment. Go back, voat fag.
I downvoted your comment because it was a baseless character attack with no substance.
From your other comment.
If voat were not subverted from the top down
From your original retard post
Voat was shut down because it had true free expression and was therefor unsubvertable
Something doesn't add up. I suspect a cope.
Voat was taken down via its ownership. When i said it couldnt be subverted i meant its population not the guy running the show. The guy running the show always becomes corrupt. Thats a standard. If voat were not subverted from the top down it wouldnt have shut down at such a pivotal moment so obviously it was subverted, i failed to speak clearly enough on that obviously. My bad.
lol, oh I get it. You're the triggered faggot who made this pasta possible. Thank you for your service, voat fag. You're free to assume you have the moral high-ground now.
(post is archived)