Well, the fed's job probably does rely on you keeping the site up.
Calling people names shows how much more powerful and manly you are. At least, that's what I tell the shills who have no argument other than name calling.
That one's usually good for a "You're a fucking kike!" or two.
Careful he feds! OH NO
They may think they're working for the feds, but most of the ones I've run across just seem to be angry people that want to be angry because I don't hate the Jews with 6,000,000% of my free time like they do, or as the last dorkwad put it: "I went through 11 pages of your posts and not one was critical of the jews!"
Well, good for you moron, I just made you waste your time looking at shitposts. My work is done.
I don't understand any of this. lol.
This is what "kvetching" looks like.
projected panic!
This is how you feel not us!!!
Sounds like kim from NC getting water boarded
(post is archived)