The Lost Generation
The Interbellum Generation
The Greatest Generation <-- (((devil))) enters during this generation - 1917 (side note for another day)
The Silent Generation
The Baby Boomer Generation
Generation X
Millenials <-- mine
Social security started in 1935 alone. That was 50+ years before I was even born myself. The Interbellum Generation or The Greatest Generation started social security (1935) or something like that.
Many of the socialist programs started in the 80s or 90s I would of been age 10 max (roughly) and I didn't start those socialist programs and many came from all the money from the baby boomers and/or there being so many of them and all that tax revenue fueled all those socialist programs.
Millenials aren't perfect either to as well though (no generation is perfect). I don't blame the boomers for the social security act of 1935 alone.
Alright, us millenials get blamed for the socialist programs of the 80s and 90s or one at least. I would of been (10 roughly) in 1999 or around there myself.
Boomers get blamed for welfare (socialist program) which started in 1953, but the max age for that is around age 7.
Boomers take welfare with a max age of 7. That means millenials need a socialist program with a max age of 7 to be blamed for to as well. Welfare (1953) is blamed on the boomers alone. Found medicare to as well that works well for boomers in 1966 for them to be blamed for to as well.
welfare reform act of 1996 works well for millenials to take the fault of with a max age of 16 at that point.
affordable care act (aca) lines up pretty well with medicare of 1966 and the boomers taking the blame for that alone. affordable care act (aca) was 2013 and the max age of a millenial was 23 which lines up really well for the max age of a boomer when it comes to medicare being 20.
the socialist (blaming) olympics... find out who's to be blamed more...
where nothing matters even if you didn't vote for it or want it. just take the blame for it...
What is a xennial?
not entirely sure myself. still learning on this one. I don't get how they work exactly yet because it's not an actual generation and I probably should of used it, but IDK the generation stuff is goofy if not tricky at times.
There's also The generation of 1914.
The Lost Generation
The Generation of 1914
The Interbellum Generation
----- It's between these two generations, but a smaller generation or a generation on it's own. It's goofy (weird) at best sometimes or strange with generations alone.
(post is archived)