I don't really have an answer, and I am pretty sure you know this. My assumption comes from observable images that seem to show segments of area that have been absolutely incinerated with surrounding areas seemingly untouched.
Modern houses are made with many man-made materials that burn far easier than natural materials and living trees. House fires can easily spread from house to house and with houses being highly flammable as they are, the results look consistent with that nature. The 4K drone footage that was released recently shows a view of the are that looks consistent with how a fire would go in a densely populated residential area with modern houses. Lots of trees were burned and all other vegetation smaller than a tree were completely gone in the burned areas. It doesn't line up with what people have claimed happened with vegetation being left untouched.
Are you claiming there is no foul play? Nothing to question here? It's a 'normal' fire and 'normal' fire behavior? Or are you the fire demolition expert that hasn't chimed in to explain to us retards how we're stupid for thinking that things exist that could produce these results and subsequently be used against us?
There was very likely foul play. That foul play doesn't require DEWs to explain it. Normal arson methods would have the same result and do not require space weapons to be accurately and selectively targeted. I'm not a fire expert, but I'm probably the most knowledgeable of Poalrs on the subject of lasers, microwave devices and their affects on materials. I have real world experience with high powered lasers in various wavelengths from far infrared to visible to deep ultraviolet. I have done much work in the field of laser optics and I know more than enough about the whole field to know that lasers make for some impractical death ray applications.
I would very much like to hear from some fire experts though because they are essential in knowing whether this is an unusual fire or not. I can't imagine they would be silent if they saw this result and thought it suspect. The silence of firefighters and fire researchers leads me to think that it is not so unusual. The only people saying it is unusual have no discernable expertise in any area related to this event and only have unverifiable photos and third-party accounts to base their claims on. I need more than that to be willing to entertain their claims.
To come out and denigrate others for not being an expert, please provide your expert opinion.
You're not the first person on Poal (or even previously Voat) where I have come in to challenge the claims of DEWs. For my knowledge, expertise and practical experience on the subject matter, I intervene because I want to find the real truth of these events and not have others sucked into conspiracy that only serves to help obscure the reality of the evil that has been undertaken. I've been called everything under the sun by those who desperately want the DEW technology to be capable of such things, but no one has been able to counter me when the real knowledge drops. I'm not a shill, glowie or dirty jew rat. I believe in truth and honesty and that evildoers deserve their untimely deaths. I am passionate about this topic because it hits very close to home for me in my field of work. I want to use my knowledge and expertise to help sort out the disinfo and put likeminded people who want to rid this world of corruption and evil on a path to that eventual inevitability. You don't have to believe me on anything. I encourage that, in fact. I want people to be skeptical of everything until they have gathered enough information from all sources so they can make up their own mind based on that disparate knowledge. Skepticism is our best tool for sorting out truth from lies. If all you take away from this is to become more skeptical of what is presented to you anywhere, then I did my part to help us all.
I never called you any names; I try to avoid ad hominem unless warranted (to which, shill or fed, glowie, etc.. isn't an insult when it is accurate).
I have no idea. I have been interested in electrical universe theory since before 2012 when one theory of "world ending" was electrical in nature, whether a flare or other event like 'ancient petroglyph plasma-man" stuff trying to explain what world-reset events have happened.
Either way, healthy skepticism of the world around us is essential to the illusion of being free, whether that is true or not.
(post is archived)