The Ottoman wars in Europe were a series of military conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and various European states dating from the Late Middle Ages up through the early 20th century.
...but many thought that Serbia would at least put up some principled resistance instead of rolling over and legally allowing more Albanians to invade its sovereign territory after they already succeeded in de-facto detaching the Serbs’ civilizational cradle of Kosovo and Metohija from the rest of the state.
The events of persecution against the Serbian population occurred in Ottoman Kosovo in 1878, as a consequence of the Serbian–Ottoman War (1876–78)
Serbian president warns Kosovo after reports of planned attack
Albanian Muslims burning Serbian church in Kosovo
It has been recorded that more that 3,200 Serbian women, children, elderly, men and prisoners of war were massacred in Serbian villages around Srebrenica between 1992 and 1995
Kosovo—New Muslim Nation Arises From a Serbian Rib Ripped From Its Cage by George Bush
1999 clinton and nato bomb belgrade with american planes painted nato colors to diminish serbia and empower albanian muslims
The Ottoman wars in Europe were a series of military conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and various European states dating from the Late Middle Ages up through the early 20th century.
Serbia warns of new Balkan war if Albania unites with Kosovo
Kosovo—New Muslim Nation Arises From a Serbian Rib Ripped From Its Cage by George Bush @ amren
(post is archived)