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[–] 11 pts

Cannon fodders for the advancement of kike supremacy.

[–] 2 pts

I hope they are forced to do that, because if that's just a bunch of clods and wannabe rappers here, willing to die for a government they never gave two shits about, just because they're being handed big toys for free right now, they deserve to fucking die

[–] 1 pt

From the news sources i have in the UK (RT too), Kiev is under siege & blockage by Russian military. All roads in and out of that city are all shut and blocked. Heavy military hardware are all on the major exit roads out of Kiev as we speak. Russian military is embedded there now.

All they have to do is sit and wait it out now. no food or medical supplies will get in to the city. also they will cut off the water supply. And they will cut off the electricity power supplies to the city.

I refer you all to the Siege of Grozny for reading material.


[–] 1 pt

Yeah it seems to be the plan

[–] 0 pt

I mean regardless of which ideological side youre on isnt it a bit hypocritical to be so upset at people who are willing to defend their home from invasion? Isnt that what we are trying to get our people to do?

[–] 1 pt (edited )

They aren't defending their home from invasion, they are defending the government

Might as well fight the russian army on behalf of the trudeau regime

This is what is being occupied by russia https://pic8.co/sh/bjyLov.png

Russians aren't genociding everybody, they aren't raping every man woman and children, they aren't killing all the dogs, they aren't invading all the homes and stealing everybody's playstation, they aren't destroying infrastructures

This isn't iraq, this has nothing to do with the iraq invasion, which was a fucking mass slaughter btw, around 20000 civilian casualties, just for the invasion

Last time I checked (yesterday) we were at 300 casualties, and it turns out it's mostly linked to gang activities

I get that it's not glorious to get invaded, I'm french btw. But consider who's invading here, and consider what's actually happening, on the ground. Again, it could be very different...

[–] 4 pts

What these poor dopes do will have no effect on what happens to Ukraine.

[–] 0 pt

Yes it will, they want a lot of dead “civilians” on the TV

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Now see if a nurse and needle doling out "safe and effective vaccinations" for the common cold, subbed in for gun-bro, still fits the caption.

[–] 2 pts

To be fair, if they start distributing weapons, it would be foolish to be the only one without.

[–] 2 pts

It seems you, based Americans, got infected with the cognitive dissonance of the liberals or the OP is a Russian shill. This is exactly what Americans have been doing for ages: buying guns without any military background to fight off invading soldiers and other zogbots. An undisputed right for the Americans but stupidity for the Ukrainians? Come on, don't be a nigger.

[–] 2 pts

Partisans and untrained militia with small weaposn have ZERo chance against MLRS based Army groups with modern tech..

[–] 0 pt

Damn, I wish you were around to educate the Taliban fighters on that point! You could have saved the US military a whole lot of trouble.

Obviously, the civilians will never beat the regular military, but they can / will become very painful speed bumps.

If you arm a small % of your civilians, the normal military is left with 3 options:

  • Discriminate mass slaughter of all civilians (which Russia obviously doesn't want)
  • Grind away at it and turn a large portion of military into a policing force. Door to door raids, working with informants, etc.
  • Retreat

US keeps trying #2 and never has great success and eventually goes with option #3.

[–] 0 pt

pretty sure the taliban is STILL a cia asset.

And Ukraine is not afghanistan.. But we'll see.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Shut the fuck up fritz, this isn't a video game, you are a stupid shit for brain living in a fucking movie, let's leave it at that

You want to die for your government you stupid shit? Just kill yourself, seriously. Only a brain sodomized moron would choose to die for his fucking government these days. On top of that they are going to deal with the red army, and they've never even been to the fucking range in their entire life, not even on a weekend, and most are completely out of shape. They are cannon fodder at best

You're the fucking nigger here

[–] 1 pt

People are there to get the free rifles. In a similar situation, I would also go there and pick up one. You don't know what they are going to do with the guns. Perhaps protect their families from looters etc. or sell them for food when the economy is ruined? Ukrainians are not so stupid as you might think.

[–] 1 pt

Yeah as if the ukrainian gov gave them the possibility to leave the country to begin with...

They are being used, they'll get rekt, and that's the whole point

The moment they carry a gun they are considered enemy combatant, no longer mere civilians, simple as that

[–] 1 pt

Only reason I would get this is to protect my own personal home from invasion

Why do Ukrainians care who is collecting their income tax and giving none of it back?

[–] 2 pts

Crazy shit uh? Imagine fighting the russians to death on behalf of the trudeau regime...

[–] 0 pt

But by having twenty million of our civilians slaughtered by the Red Army, we won!

Justin Turdwater - 2023

[–] 0 pt

Sry I thought you were the ziocunt below

[–] 1 pt

they will end up killing each other, at best.

[–] 1 pt

'Oops komrade, I lost it in tragic fishing accident'---all Ukrainian men, a few weeks from now

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 0 pt

Take note of the comments here and elsewhere if you thought people would be willing to fight and die when their backs are up against the wall.

The same people crying about zogbot kike shit would follow their example and refuse to do fuck all in a fight for what is theirs.

They'll clap and chant boogaloo in the comment sections and when the shit hits the fan, they'll sit in a shelter with the women and kids.

You don't have to shill for Russia or Ukraine to respect that those people trained or not are preparing to fight and die defending their way of life, their communities and property.

Maybe the government they have is shit... But at least they are giving them a choice and a chance to defend their communities, property and way of life.

[–] 1 pt

Congrats, you're the only idiot here who would happily go die for the trudeau regime, or the macron regime, or the biden regime... In the name of fighting ZOG of course, which certainly makes you the biggest shithead on this board

Again, congrats

[–] 0 pt

Yea, because the current sitting President of the Country is the sole reason that would determine that.

It wouldn't be that for generations my family has grown our property, created a way of life for ourselves that's worth defending against anyone who would threaten it.

It would all boil down to the government right? Not community, nothing like that.

I'm sure if we let a new regime come in and just have it all, they'll respect what we had and we'll just go back to life as normal. So hurry and don't fight.

Sometimes there is more than just some mystical kike magic that leads to people wanting to defend their way of life.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Ok tough shit, you go and fight and let's say you win, what did you achieve who's going to capitalize on "your" victory? The gov in charge. You're under zog, you fight for zog, you win, zog wins, you lose... Simple as that. You pay taxes you pay zog, same deal

I'm sure if we let a new regime come in and just have it all, they'll respect what we had and we'll just go back to life as normal. So hurry and don't fight.

You see that's your problem; you think you are respected, you think the current regime isn't the actual new regime, you are occupied but you still fail to see it.

Sometimes there is more than just some mystical kike magic that leads to people wanting to defend their way of life.

You're 100% part of the problem my friend

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