A real 'fuck you' to everyone would be to setup those monitors in portrait mode with a one foot gap between them.
Nice mug.
Curved monitors Chrome windows) 10
At least go to Windows 7.
I dual boot, but if you're still on the "win7 is better HURR DURR" train, you deserve no respect.
is better
It objectively is. HOWEVER, I understand the point you're niggerdom isn't getting by: and on this PC, that I visit poal and such yes. I like to have a fingerprint online. Anyone who tries excessively hard to disappear online is easier to track.
No it isn't. You have no idea what this word means.
Damn, something I agree with anticlutch about…
Fuck you, I want one.
One is 1080p, the other is 1440p. When I get a second 1440p variant, you can buy the first for dirt cheap.
Hello baby!
I'm finally getting a couch and TV soon!
But I can't afford a Samsung Odessy G9 as well :(
Where's the bottle of neck ointment?
Monitors must be at top of eyes least you suffer neck injuries
Nice microplastics in your corporate sludge goy
There's always one voat fag who fags up the comments.
Your setup photo is some Reddit tier gay shit. It also proves you are a virgin. Go outside you retarded loser. You are the ultimate soygoy consumer.
hey faggot, where the fuck did you get your mug?
i dont give a fuck about your shitty monitors. thanks nigger.
I received it when I was inducted into the Poaluminati.
That's a lot of screen to drive with such a weak laptop.
That's my work laptop. My desktop is a 9900k/2080ti.
Oh, nice. I was giving you a hard time.
Haha, I figured. I do hate that laptop, so I had to correct the record.
I have some adjustments left to make, but I'm done for the night.
What do you do with that much screen?
Several things, but during the day I use the bottom two for my work laptop and the to two for my desktop. I'm not calling you a nigger on my work laptop.
Real men call others nigger on their work laptop
The curved monitors are great, I have a couple of gigabyte ones and I'm never going back to a flat screen. So much more comfortable with the curve.
You're a few monitors away from a true flight simulator.
(post is archived)