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https://netstorage-legit.akamaized.net/images/d246ccaf817787cd_w.png Hatred impels us... without hatred we cannot vanquish a brutal enemy

https://netstorage-legit.akamaized.net/images/d246ccaf817787cd_w.png Hatred impels us... without hatred we cannot vanquish a brutal enemy

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

What honeymoon? You mean the honeymoon where whites built a fucking nation and kept it running through blood, sweat, and tears? The only ones who have been on honeymoon are the fucking niggers.

Remember the blacks thought all you did was own the farm and money magically came from heaven. Once they realized you had to actually work for it they walked off the stolen farms an left them to rot.

[–] 1 pt

That was after they dug up all the irrigation lines and tore out all the power cables to sell the copper, and sold off all the other equipment for a fast buck.

Then they sat around wondering "ooga booga ayy yo why dis don't do be wurkin n' sheeit...dis gay az fuk...muhfuggin bix nood muh dik nahmsayin'?" and left because shit didn't magically happen and they couldn't understand why.

[–] 2 pts

Let africa regress. They want and need to remain a stone age people, let them. Except that the continent has the last major untapped bounty of resources left on the planet.

[–] 1 pt

At this point may as well trade our niggers for their Whites. niggers in the US can enjoy South Africa and live in wakanda.

[–] 0 pt

not even stone age mud hut is about as advanced as they get just above chimp

[–] 0 pt

It's what's under to soil that's valuable. Why else would the chinks be settling there?

[–] 2 pts

Without a deadly hate that threatens what we love, love is an empty word, a catchword for cowards, hippies, and queers. -GLR

[–] 2 pts

Without whites, SA is doomed.

[–] 1 pt

cold killing machine motivated by pure hate

Isn't that the definition of a sociopathic serial killer?

yeah just wait, niggers already know what whites can and will do. The current problem for white is not the nigger, it's the (((woke))) white bullshit.

[–] 1 pt

Why do all these movements in non English speaking countries always use English in their signs? 🤦🏻‍♂️

[–] 2 pts

The banner looks too high quality for a nigger to make. Probably made by kikes.

[–] 1 pt

The jew machine is very busy making 'Biden let us in' teeshirts and 'I can't breathe' face masks.

shekels AND Anti White subversion, they love it

[–] 1 pt

Send RSA ten US born-and-bred niggers for every White we can get from them.

White people are targetted because they are the biggest obstacle. Every other race is a push over for a thinking man,

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Jews probably figured that out in the times of Egypt or earlier, writing into the books their decendants would read that 'Jews can do no wrong as chosenite perfection and [Esau/Edom] Whites are purely evil, & born hating Jews for no reason at all' into their religious texts to repeat over and over daily for thousands of years, and destroyed all other history like burning the Library of Alexandria to hide their crimes.

"Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who wrote the chief work of the Kabbalah, the Zohar, some 2,000 years ago, said that "It's a know law that Esau (whites) hates Jacob (Jews) (aish.com)."

[–] 2 pts

or earlier

There are texts from ancient Whites(2,500-3,000BC or older) warning of the Magi(jews) who would steal away your children only to have them return later speaking twisted words of their own ill-informed people's way of life.

Sounds like college to me.

[–] 1 pt

Fuck em, whites need a mass exodus from that shithole and leave them to their own devices.. wouldnt be long before mass starvation..

[–] 1 pt

Too.bad south African whites can't migrate to Europe. Europe won't accept them. God help.them.

[–] 3 pts

There’s a good few of them here. Even met a saffa girl who got into Ireland on refugee status. The problem is they struggle to get into European countries on refugee status but a lot of them can enter Europe as regular immigrants. Areas around Wimbledon and Colliers Wood in south London have been full of saffas for decades (they tend to live as far from black areas as they can, hence the tendency to head quite deep south in London.)

[–] 1 pt

Wow That's better news than I had understood. I hope they leave and let the blacks figure shit out on their own.

[–] 2 pts

That’s what the rugby players have been doing anyway! We have something like 200 pro saffa players plying their trade in European leagues since the boks decided blacks had to be equally represented on the national team. Their clubs are also all joining the Celtic league (their two weakest clubs have been with us a couple of years but the big boys coming north is a big deal) and there’s even talk of the boks entering the six nations (premier European national team rugby tournament). Might not sound like a big deal but with how important rugby is to saffas it does indicate a move closer to Europe culturally and away from the Southern Hemisphere.

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