You're right about the scary sounds at night. It's like, what the fuck is even out there!? Everything in the jungle comes out at night. It's relatively quiet during the day. The mosquitos aren't bad if you cover yourself in termite guts.
But no, this is not the PNW. Not even close. It doesn't even look the same.
Termites? You visited the legendary Brazil termite mounds that can be seen from space that took 4,000 years to mound up?
Those photos were taken in different regions, and different cameras. the second photo is a 2014 photo from a Canon PowerShot SX280 HS lacking gps.
No. There are jungle termites which make these big mud nests. You push your hands into them and the termites craw up your arms. You smash them and rub their guts all over your body. The termite guts contain a chemical which repels mosquitos.
Which jungle drug warlord were you contracted to hunt down and assassinate?
Was it hard to kill silently and get away?
How many people have you been hired to hunt down and "take care of"?
Do you charge by the week?
Are you ever allowed to use a rifle?
so many questions...
(post is archived)