blah blah kikes blah blah blah. Calling someone a kike is so fucking boring. Didn't the last 5 years of Voat get that out of everyone's system? I'm pretty sick of it myself
Didn't the last 5 years of Voat get that out of everyone's system? I'm pretty sick of it myself
Are you jewish?
That's totally irrelevant to the fact that YOU are an asshole.
Haha is he your alt or something?
Look, we were brainwashed by Hollywood that we are all the same, because it suits you if we think that. But we are NOT the same at all. We learned that too late, because you look like us, but you arent like us. We now know (too late) who murdered the tsar, who destroyed Germany, Eastern Europe, who founded the CCP and all communist parties! Who destroyed our legal system? Who pushes abortion, sex, drugs, porn? Who controls the GDP? Who stole Palestine? Who has an ethnostate? Who demands laws that ban other people talking bad about them? Who killed the Armenians? Who starved the ukrainians? Who owns BLM and NAACP? And the Democrats and the Republicans? Who loves multiculturalism and immigration in other peoples’ countries? Who struck a deal with the chinese and destroyed our manufacturing? Destroyed our freedom? WE NOW KNOW.
We finally are noticing who has destroyed our culture. The same group that always destroys other people’s countries. We learned the hard way. We were too trusting. Get used to being judged for the actions of your people.
Your people are invaders who are exploting and destroying my countries as we speak. It will be irrelevant when your people get out of my country. I’m not the asshole. I dont live parasitically of other societies. You are literally genetically predisposed assholes.
Hey, maybe it’s you! Did you ever stop to consider that?
75 IQ comment right here. Extremely predictable and no originality. You're basically being a parrot. Are you a nigger?
Are you jewish?
I didn't call you a kike. Learn to read.
You literally called my post demoralization and then said that's what kikes do. It's implied. Don't pretend to be a retard faggot. I know you're not retarded.
I called it kike.posting.
Just like if I were to call it red.posting (redpill) or blue.posting (bluepill) I'm not actually calling you red or blue. Not only is it not implied. It's not even hinted at.
Also shit.posting, I'm not calling someone literally shit. Just the post is very shitty. In this case: demoralization is extremely jewish.
(post is archived)