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eat a dick pic8, if you can't host a 50kb picture fuck off.

eat a dick pic8, if you can't host a 50kb picture fuck off.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

These dumb ass jogger vote counters have no idea what they have done, was the money worth it?

Chinks hate you and you helped them take over

[–] 7 pts

You know damn well it's the New World Order. What in the Hell is with these accounts saying it's the Chinese?

You better just be a moron and not a shill fuck.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

they make the phones and the chips, iam pretty sure they just blackmailed the jews at this point and they are just another proxy serving china.

and what is with all the accounts on poal that always turn any mention of china around back onto the jews, they are as bad as each other.

[–] 0 pt

Chinks are the jews of the east

[–] 1 pt

The zionists don't give a shit who the president is. Trump did a lot for them. Spent a ton of money, didn't stop QE, gave their industries big bail outs and contracts, and expanded isreal. China is involved with the DNC who is selling sloppy seconds so they can enrich themselves and power trip.

[–] 0 pt

The Chinese are about to overtake the US economy and you don't think they're part of the new world order?

[–] -1 pt

It's legit shills. Ruqqus was flooded with them 2ish months ago, right about when the drama with Milkit exploded and revealed one of the founders was a Cohen.

They've been doing anything they can to deflect from the jews right at a time when people are starting to wake up and realize their government is controlled by (((infiltrators))) - they are just trying to misdirect these new awakees to thinking the infiltrators are Chinese.

[–] -1 pt

It's both China and Israel.

[–] 1 pt

It's both China and Israel jews

Fixed that for you, you fucking halfwit.

China is literally only relevant because jews made them relevant (sent them all our manufacturing jobs, etc), and if we end up in a war with China, only fucking jews benefit. It's high time to glass Israel and give it back to the fucking Palestinians.

[–] 3 pts

The uniparty expects us all to settle into the way it was in past decades where they choose who rules us. But we can't unsee the corruption and the fraud, we can't go back.

[–] 0 pt

But we can't unsee the corruption and the fraud,

Yes we can. They've been stealing elections since Bush - look it up.

If we want to really be honest, they've been stealing elections since Lincoln (Michigan, for example, in this case), which is what led to the South trying to secede in the first place.

Nothing will ever happen until the first high-visibility senator/house member/advisor etc eats a bullet. Our forefathers were far more manly than we are in that respect.

[–] 3 pts

A field of taxpayer paid flags. Using the flag for mindfucking. Joe joes an all American, right.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

This pussy is gonna lead America? WTF?

looks like a cemetery, all biden voters

[–] 0 pt

1984 was an instruction manual, not a novel...what the fuck happened to my country?

[–] 0 pt

what the fuck happened to my country?

You sat on your ass. We all did.

Nothing will happen until we stop sitting on our asses.

1984 was an instruction manual, not a novel

People have been making that joke for decades. 10 years from now, we'll be gagging on the mandatory required amount of tranny cock making the same joke. Then, 15 years from now, when they start requiring our kids to gag on the same cocks, we will be making the joke again.

When does action begin?

[–] 0 pt

Most people have too much to lose. We are all being surveilled by our electronic devices, and millions of cameras everywhere. Only niggers and jews can openly break the law and skate.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Most people have too much to lose.

This is what I don't understand; they will lose it all anyway through their inactivity, so that isn't the cause.

I believe the true cause is that people are afraid of the realization of what must be done, but as it applies to them. The idea that they might have to brave danger for an ideal (as opposed to immediate tangible goal, such as home defense) is unfathomable, in the 1984 sense.

can openly break the law and skate.

This is the problem - everyone is afraid of jail. Many of us here know what we could do to help, but won't do anything because of the prospect of jail. It is classic game theory: if everyone collectively found their nuts, none of us would go to jail, but we will if we man up individually.

The solution is not to be afraid of jail. It works for the niggers, and can work for us too.

[–] 0 pt

Antifa were the fascists supporting the fake Presidency.

[–] 0 pt

But but but Trump's inauguration had the smallest turnout!

[–] -1 pt

Do people expect that clip-dick-jizz-rag trump was the better choice here?

I feel like accelerationism is better here. No more slow-boil shit, just give me that fucking gay jew tranny as health person, sure. These fucking mouth-breathing, would-be trump groupies (esp. qfagboomers) and warm-glow faggot dems among us need some jew tranny in their faces because they're too stupid otherwise. Let's fucking just do it now. Tired of "when," and I'm glad the left aren't been pussies like the right anymore.

[–] -1 pt

Muh zog was hijacked by zog. Boo hoo!