It’s so obvious. Whites are noticing. HOW COULD YOU NOT.
Main pic is very symbolic: The Jew is supervising the Black woman.
Hey let me see your new york dick
Its NY, there is not much to see, every male identifying person with a dick over 2 inches (hard) must get it reduced.
DeBlasios orders so he still has the biggest.
Can’t exist as a webpage without the token fat black chick/interracial theme
"fun for families" centre of page near bottom.... how the FUCK is that a family? looks like a child kidnapping.
bwahahaaa true
why is that funny, dickhead?
The fires of london set by the jews got rid of the pesky lower classes who were sitting on prime real estate. That was part of their history.
Run by blue hairs or faggot pedos, my father was a director of photography worked in the video and film biz in Canada for decades couldn't get a Grant ro make a short film because he was a white male, he made quite a few jokes about it bur now I know its the actual racism in Canada.
Even the logo in the upper left corner looks like a simple minded splat job that some nigger cooked up
freaky: London burnin, black people, homo's......
"Were the Romans gay?"
QEII is going to be remembered as the worst British monarch of all time. I thought maybe she'd turn it around when she supported Brexit, but nope, she cucked out of supporting that and continued to sit back and let England slide into the crapper.
were Romans gay? This rainbow haired faggot fact checker says yassss queen.
And faggots everywhere are like, I knew it! Lmao
They weren't while they were building the roads and the empire.
They were when they'd been subverted by jews and were on the verge of collapse.
Women monarchs all rank equally as 'worst monarch of all time", period.
totally looks like London street shitters, child molesters, niggers, no self respecting whites.
the catholic church used to control most universities, academia, etc.
now the jews do.
(post is archived)