Tell yourself whatever you want about where it came from and continue to feel free to interpret the Bible as you wish.
The only true religion?...guess this is why they change the rules constantly ie purgatory, abortion, aliens, gays, men being treated as a hierarchy to god, and don’t follow any of Jesus’s actual teachings?...also is the religion of all mafia organizations.
I never mentioned Jews once and have given no evidence I need to look into Judaism so keep your link.
It’s clear you are a dogmatic catholic so keep any response. I don’t care to interact with those who are dogmatic. This goes against everything Jesus taught, in my opinion, and on top of this, each dogma is subjective.
Not interested in the blind trying to lead me to salvation.
The only true religion?...guess this is why they change the rules constantly ie purgatory, abortion, aliens, gays, men being treated as a hierarchy to god, and don’t follow any of Jesus’s actual teachings?...also is the religion of all mafia organizations.
Yep, the only true religion. Either God became man and founded a Church or He didn't. What do you mean "change the rules", the moral law never changes, nor does Church teaching, nor has it ever. Just because an idiot sodomite prelate says it does doesn't make it true.
How does the Catholic Church not follow Jesus actual teachings when it's literally His Church, the one he founded on St. Peter and we can trace every pope back to him. You think history is just made up or something? You think we don't know what the early Church did and said?
Truth is dogmatic. It doesn't change. Therefore, Christianity is dogmatic. Christianity is Catholicism and nothing else.
Subjectivism is from Hell. The truth never changes.
If you say truth can change then you say God can change, which is impossible. You can't be saved if you believe that pernicious error.
To say subjectivism is true is calling God a liar. You have to predicate truth as universal to even assert subjectivism is true, it's total nonsense.
(post is archived)