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Justice served.

An evil pedophile was found dead in his prison cell earlier this week, and his death is being considered a homicide, with his cellmate possibly involved.

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) released a statement on Wednesday revealing that 70-year-old Mark Squires was found unconscious at roughly 3:30 pm on Tuesday by San Quentin prison staff after an alarm went off. Squires was serving a prison sentence for lewd acts on a child under the age of 14.

Medical staff transported the child predator to the prison triage area following the discovery. Medical staff declared him dead at 4:04 pm.

Police whisked away 36-year-old Gustavo Lopez following the incident and placed him in restrictive housing. He will remain there while the prison performs an investigation into the death. . .

Archive (archive.today)

Justice served. >An evil pedophile was found dead in his prison cell earlier this week, and his death is being considered a homicide, with his cellmate possibly involved. >The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) released a statement on Wednesday revealing that 70-year-old Mark Squires was found unconscious at roughly 3:30 pm on Tuesday by San Quentin prison staff after an alarm went off. Squires was serving a prison sentence for lewd acts on a child under the age of 14. >Medical staff transported the child predator to the prison triage area following the discovery. Medical staff declared him dead at 4:04 pm. >Police whisked away 36-year-old Gustavo Lopez following the incident and placed him in restrictive housing. He will remain there while the prison performs an investigation into the death. . . [Archive](https://archive.today/QDSVq)

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

Why is gateway pundit censoring the word pedophile? Censorship leads to only certain people being able to say a word and shuts down any open dialogue on the issue...

[–] 2 pts

To avoid the internet censorship sniffers triggered by the key word "pedophile" in the contents, as they attempt to infringe upon the source and reader's 1A by limiting certain speech.

[–] 2 pts

You mean like saying niggers, kikes, spics and mudslimes? Idc, say it loud and often. Use it openly when speaking to others, consequences be dammed.

Be all you can be. Be a proud racist. Why not? jews told me I'm a racist, so I embraced it.

[–] 2 pts

I prefer mudshits, but to each their own. Lol

[–] 2 pts

404 - pedophile’s life not found

[–] 2 pts

Good riddance...

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Why is G* teway P* undit ast* risk cens* ring the w* rd pedophile in th* ir own art* cle?