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And it'll be a giant "coincidence" to cover for the elite.

And it'll be a giant "coincidence" to cover for the elite.
[–] 1 pt

I don't think so, but I can understand if you think so.

For the sake of argument, when do you think the American justice system last worked properly?

And when do you think the last time Niggers worked properly was?

[–] 1 pt

For the sake of argument, when do you think the American justice system last worked properly?

I'm not sure I could point to one specific point of failure, in this instance.

Vaguely, the American justice system is too large to not be corruptible on its face. There's simply too many points for it to fail at- the arresting officer/s, public defender vs lawyer for hire vs money, judges and impartiality, jury pools and jury picking, sentencing instability, public (local, county, state) vs private prisons. That's just off the top of my head. For a justice system to work properly, we assume there's no corruption. I assure you, there's plenty.

And when do you think the last time Niggers worked properly was?

The day before the fuck up Abe Lincoln gave niggers freedom- with not a breath as to where they would be deported to. I'll give you this, I would have at least some respect for his memory if he would have commanded Whites to kill them on sight and Whites failed to do so. Nope, not a fucking word. Abe, not who we were taught. Shabbos goy or desperate president? (My opinion is former. Payed off to kill White Americans.) Over 500,000 White, Christian men died. Bloodlines ended.

I tried, I'm tired. We can pick anything else up tomorrow. Have a good night, brother.

[–] 0 pt

I think the corruption we were escaping by leaving to America followed us and seeded itself in the foundation of the country.

If you trust the plan, then Trump may be bringing an end to it. If you don't trust the plan, don't wait for his betrayal to act.

[–] 1 pt

Would it be better, if we all just trusted the plan?

[–] 1 pt

Even if there was a 100% chance the plan was a real thing, it wouldn't work if 100% of people trusted the plan. Not trusting the plan is important, otherwise people would abuse that trust and we could all be ruined in one moment. If too many people are invested in one plan and no other plans are being formulated by other well meaning people then all the bad guys have to do is ruin one plan instead of hundreds

[–] 1 pt

Do you think there has ever been a plan?

[–] 1 pt

Are you asking me if I believe Trump is really part of a white hat operation to purge the evil from our government?