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Most goys do not realize that the jewish high “holy” book, the Talmud, condones pedophilia, so it’s no surprise that so many jews commit pedophilia.

And since the U.S. Navy recently named a new warship after a jewish pedophile, it’s unlikely we can expect much help from our government on this issue.

Israel Becoming A 'Safe Haven' for Jewish Pedophiles Escaping Prosecution Worldwide (christiansfortruth.com)

Every single aspect of the LGBTQ+ movement is jewish (pic8.co)

Every single aspect of the jewish TALMUD is satanic (pic8.co)

Every single aspect of Child Sacrifice is jewish (pic8.co)

Every single aspect of Baby Penis Sucking is jewish (pic8.co)


> Most goys do not realize that the jewish high “holy” book, the Talmud, condones pedophilia, so it’s no surprise that so many jews commit pedophilia. > And since the U.S. Navy recently named a new warship after a jewish pedophile, it’s unlikely we can expect much help from our government on this issue. [Israel Becoming A 'Safe Haven' for Jewish Pedophiles Escaping Prosecution Worldwide](https://christiansfortruth.com/israel-becoming-a-safe-haven-for-jewish-pedophiles-escaping-prosecution-worldwide) ---- [Every single aspect of the LGBTQ+ movement is jewish](https://pic8.co/sh/cdTZI0.jpeg) [Every single aspect of the jewish TALMUD is satanic](https://pic8.co/sh/6QBbWI.jpg) [Every single aspect of Child Sacrifice is jewish](https://pic8.co/sh/n1jeNT.jpg) [Every single aspect of Baby Penis Sucking is jewish](https://pic8.co/sh/Rc2qTe.jpg) https://poal.co/s/GoyimTV/661875

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