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A problem i have with christians is that they quote the bible out of context so damn much that they can jew their own text to suit whatever they want. The bible also says dont murder, thats universal. Also it doesnt necessarily say 'drown pedophiles and groomers' but rather 'it would be better for them to drown' as if the punishment they get (possibly being exposed) is worse than death.

Heres another choice quote from Christ himself: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household."

Lets play the same game and let a quote out of context stand on its own merits. Isolated from context Jesus himself sounds pretty psychotic, he wants war, he wants to destroy families he wants sons killing their fathers, he is promoting fratricide, patricide etc etc.

Thats not what he is talking about though, he is talking about how people coming from wicked families need to confront those in their household, he goes on to say (and im paraphrasing here) that it is better to live an honest life without family than a wicked one with them.

The bible conflates Jesus himself and his message, if you take it too literally he sounds like a jealous lover, 'choose me over your father', but actually understanding the message it should be evident that he means his teachings, 'follow my teachings even if it means disobeying your father.

At the same time there is the 10 commandment 'obey your mother and father' which my parents reminded me of often as a child. Yet in that passage Jesus himself comes to set son against father.

Context matters a lot and christians piss me off when they misquote or cherry pick specifically only what is convenient. jewish hearted christians are the worst people on the planet