I shit on pakis constantly, and deliberately call Indians pakis because it pisses them off and Imdians consider it insulting. I'm really insulting pakis more by considering them the same as Indians when at least pakis eat beef and probably don't eat literal cow shit. Ah well, fuck 'em all, bunch of pakis.
I shit on pakis constantly, and deliberately call Indians pakis because it pisses them off and Imdians consider it insulting. I'm really insulting pakis more by considering them the same as Indians when at least pakis eat beef and probably don't eat literal cow shit.
Ah well, fuck 'em all, bunch of pakis.
See you in 4 years with a repost except it will be .com
See you in 4 years with a repost except it will be .com
Kek, you must have been over on /pol/ for the last couple of days, there have been quite a few posts about this subject. The chloroform was by far my favorite.
Kek, you must have been over on /pol/ for the last couple of days, there have been quite a few posts about this subject. The chloroform was by far my favorite.
so indians are not only rapist, but will buy literal cow shit patties?\
so indians are not only rapist, but will buy literal cow shit patties?\
One even complains about the taste. See links.
One even complains about the taste. See links.
are they adverse to buying overseas cow patties? there might be good money in shipping cow shit. i can even make it sound fancy. like "blessed blue cow, life giving organic patties"
are they adverse to buying overseas cow patties? there might be good money in shipping cow shit. i can even make it sound fancy. like "blessed blue cow, life giving organic patties"
End it.
End it.