All we are asking from you is this - are you a real Indian or just larping? Be honest and direct.
It's probably Simon, due to high and bored.
I really do hope that after isreal is nuked into oblivion... That india is next.
What’s up with that? If I’m Indian, I can’t speak ? If I’m in America and I’m Indian, I get kicked out
If im in American and I'm Indian
Pick one, shit skin
If I'm Indian, I can't speak?
Only if your asking our slurpie flavor, or asking for Bob and Veggine. Seriously, your one step off of a nigger, and asking why we dislike you?
Don't you have a beach to shit on, somewhere?
Do you always think in stereotypes?
Your logic coming into the situation is backwards. Trust and respect are something that is earned. It is not a right. Instead of playing victim you should be attempting to establish yourself as a trusted member.
That's the logic of someone who thinks freely.
Let me tell you the secret here. If you act like a bitch about it, you won't handle being here.
The only option is to man up and grow a thick skin like we all did, no one is going to ban you for not being White.
Now, are you an Indian, yes or no?
I am
Are you serious? That's the reason for the ban and what I read every day
India is for street shitters, America is for Whites.
You have to go back.
(post is archived)