I think they all should be pitted against one another, so they end up offing each others one way or the other, and I don't think it's going to require too much of an effort on our part to get there, given the emerging trends of "us vs them"
And I'm not just talking about elon and bill here, I'm talking about the whole shit, I'm including all the antiwhites in my reasoning, from the lgbtqp++ to the islamists to the niggers to your typical karen, antifas, kikes running that shithshow, the entire corporate woke & friends galaxy in a nutshell. The only realistic way we have, to fuck them up, is to turn them one against another, on a mass scale
The left, is responsible for everything (everything bad) **remember that** ; they are the reason why the entire society is in the shitter now. It's almost a consensus, we're almost there, I mean we're talking about wef sellouts and transfag kid apologists waging war on common sense, making the military parade in high heels, careless as fuck on crime and everything
It's not going to take long before everybody starts jumping ship while accusing his neighbor for the failure of the collective
And yet, still, at the end of the day, somebody has to pay for that tab
And **it's all the left's fault**, as everybody noticed already. They now are jumping the ship but where do they think they're going?
Somebody has to pay the fucking tab, for all the severe damages inflicted upon the society, the collective, and **it's not going to be us, we have to make that very clear**
We all know who's backing those leftist movements btw
(post is archived)