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These are terms I’m starting to use instead of the (((popular))) ones people carelessly throw around to demonize the ideas of the German National Socialists:

Old: SS/Gestapo New: Stasi/KGB

The Soviet-installed secret police in East Germany were the true dark force of intimidation and inspiring fear in the population.

Usage: “I won’t condone your Stasi tactics.”

Old : Nazi/Fascist New: Commie

The people of Germany didn’t weep tears of liberation when the Reich fell, unlike those in the Soviet Union after its far too delayed collapse.

Old: Mengele New: Kinsey/Money/Fauci

The true butchers and villains of medicine are the ones whose names are whispered reverently in the (((western))) academia and press.

What anti-white, anti-NatSoc terms do you hear, and what do you suggest altering them to be?

These are terms I’m starting to use instead of the (((popular))) ones people carelessly throw around to demonize the ideas of the German National Socialists: Old: SS/Gestapo New: Stasi/KGB The Soviet-installed secret police in East Germany were the true dark force of intimidation and inspiring fear in the population. Usage: “I won’t condone your Stasi tactics.” Old : Nazi/Fascist New: Commie The people of Germany didn’t weep tears of liberation when the Reich fell, unlike those in the Soviet Union after its far too delayed collapse. Old: Mengele New: Kinsey/Money/Fauci The true butchers and villains of medicine are the ones whose names are whispered reverently in the (((western))) academia and press. What anti-white, anti-NatSoc terms do you hear, and what do you suggest altering them to be?

(post is archived)

[–] -1 pt

It's my opinion that the Nazis were not as bad as they are portrayed in the Jew-controlled media. Jews have relentless villified the Nazis and Hitler over the past seven decades.

That being said, Hitler and his boys did some really nasty shit they didn't have to do. Let's not make saints out of them, they were no saints. They were thugs. Street thugs. They fought back against the communists in Germany using the same weapon of the communists -- street fascism. They won because they were tougher than the communists. Tougher thugs. Let's not pretend otherwise.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Hitler and his boys did some really nasty shit they didn't have to do.

Like what? What did they do? Cause the highest trust, safest and wealthiest Europe of all time in mere months to only be destroyed adn ruined by jews and nonWhites?

They fought back against the communists in Germany using the same weapon of the communists -- street fascism.

Oh. There it is. "(((communism))) is Fascist!!!". Why are (((you))) intentionally ignoring (((weimar))) Germany? Why are (((you))) intentionally ignoring the rape, torture, disfigurment, cannibalized and murder of millions of White men, women, girls and boys? I didn't see it when it was a new thread but now I do and this just truly confirms. You are purely jewish. There is no doubt in my mind.

I've never seen a more jewish post. Never. Even support of male genital mutilation is less jewish than what you posted.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Nobody is calling anyone a saint. However, when fighting to slip the shackles of an occupying force, there are cases where extremity in the pursuit of liberation is the only recourse.


[–] 0 pt

The Nazis were "saints" and to claim or argue otherwise is not only wrong but aggressively retarded.

[–] 0 pt

Spoken like another cheek turner.

[–] 0 pt

The Brown Shirt thuggery was a REACTION to the Communist thuggery that was sweeping Germany in the 1930s